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Small Mersenne Prime Factors
Prime numbers of the form Mp= 2p − 1 are called Mersenne primes. For Mp to be prime, p must also be prime.
Any factor q of a Mersenne number 2p − 1 must be of the form 2kp + 1, where integer k ≥ 0. Furthermore, q must be 1 or 7 mod 8.
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
13604797816287838 ~1988
13604999272099998 ~1987
136054011088432099 ~1988
136054212176867379 ~1989
13605551272111038 ~1987
13605803272116078 ~1987
13606283272125678 ~1987
13606643272132878 ~1987
13606991272139838 ~1987
13607339272146798 ~1987
13607459272149198 ~1987
13607519272150398 ~1987
13607603272152078 ~1987
13607663272153278 ~1987
13607981816478878 ~1988
13608097816485838 ~1988
13608131272162638 ~1987
13608949119758751310 ~1991
13609751272195038 ~1987
13609853816591198 ~1988
13610021816601278 ~1988
13610057816603438 ~1988
13610699272213998 ~1987
13610819272216398 ~1987
13610843272216878 ~1987
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
13612199272243998 ~1987
13612271272245438 ~1987
13612681816760878 ~1988
13613051272261038 ~1987
136133211089065699 ~1988
13613531272270638 ~1987
136140311361403119 ~1988
13614323272286478 ~1987
13614743272294878 ~1987
13615013816900798 ~1988
13615331272306638 ~1987
13615559272311198 ~1987
136162971089303779 ~1988
13616411272328238 ~1987
13616591272331838 ~1987
13616723272334478 ~1987
136167732995690079 ~1989
13616783272335678 ~1987
136168911089351299 ~1988
13617011272340238 ~1987
13617181817030878 ~1988
13617419272348398 ~1987
13617839272356798 ~1987
13617911272358238 ~1987
136179771089438179 ~1988
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
13618523272370478 ~1987
13618597817115838 ~1988
13619051272381038 ~1987
13619423272388478 ~1987
13619579272391598 ~1987
136199118989141279 ~1990
13620493817229598 ~1988
13620697817241838 ~1988
13621319272426398 ~1987
13621463272429278 ~1987
136216491907030879 ~1989
13621823272436478 ~1987
13621871272437438 ~1987
136220532996851679 ~1989
13622723272454478 ~1987
13623059272461198 ~1987
13623299272465998 ~1987
136234271362342719 ~1988
13623563272471278 ~1987
13624151272483038 ~1987
13624217817453038 ~1988
13624537817472238 ~1988
13624703272494078 ~1987
13625063272501278 ~1987
13625233817513998 ~1988
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
13625291272505838 ~1987
13625663272513278 ~1987
13626731272534638 ~1987
13627079272541598 ~1987
136279272180468339 ~1989
13628039272560798 ~1987
13628819272576398 ~1987
13628831272576638 ~1987
13628957817737438 ~1988
13629131272582638 ~1987
13629191272583838 ~1987
13630139272602798 ~1987
13630453817827198 ~1988
136314111090512899 ~1988
136316894089506719 ~1990
13632023272640478 ~1987
13632173817930398 ~1988
13632191272643838 ~1987
13632383272647678 ~1987
136325711363257119 ~1988
13632917817975038 ~1988
13633199272663998 ~1987
13633391272667838 ~1987
13633703272674078 ~1987
13633751272675038 ~1987
4.368.158 digits