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Small Mersenne Prime Factors
Prime numbers of the form Mp= 2p − 1 are called Mersenne primes. For Mp to be prime, p must also be prime.
Any factor q of a Mersenne number 2p − 1 must be of the form 2kp + 1, where integer k ≥ 0. Furthermore, q must be 1 or 7 mod 8.
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
12784379255687598 ~1986
12784643255692878 ~1986
127851891022815139 ~1988
12785653767139198 ~1988
12785681767140878 ~1988
12785939255718798 ~1986
12786311255726238 ~1986
12786479255729598 ~1986
12787319255746398 ~1986
12787409102299272110 ~1990
12787781767266878 ~1988
12788117767287038 ~1988
12788123255762478 ~1986
127883533836505919 ~1989
12788603255772078 ~1986
12788999255779998 ~1986
12789323255786478 ~1986
12789599255791998 ~1986
12789677767380638 ~1988
12789911255798238 ~1986
12790559255811198 ~1986
12790703255814078 ~1986
12790763255815278 ~1986
12790931255818638 ~1986
12790997767459838 ~1988
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
12791039255820798 ~1986
12791183255823678 ~1986
12791459255829198 ~1986
12791951255839038 ~1986
127920111023360899 ~1988
12792179255843598 ~1986
12792337767540238 ~1988
12792431255848638 ~1986
12792803255856078 ~1986
12793283255865678 ~1986
127934091791077279 ~1989
12793463255869278 ~1986
12793691255873838 ~1986
12793751255875038 ~1986
12793871255877438 ~1986
12794051255881038 ~1986
127940716141154099 ~1990
127947015117880419 ~1990
12795131255902638 ~1986
12795617767737038 ~1988
12795677570687194310 ~1992
12796081767764878 ~1988
12796403255928078 ~1986
12797353767841198 ~1988
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
12797417767845038 ~1988
12798479255969598 ~1986
127988391023907139 ~1988
127992192303859439 ~1989
12799541767972478 ~1988
127997691791967679 ~1989
127998117167894179 ~1990
128002871280028719 ~1988
12800831256016638 ~1986
12801083256021678 ~1986
12801479256029598 ~1986
12801577768094638 ~1988
128016471024131779 ~1988
128018211024145699 ~1988
12801923256038478 ~1986
128021712048347379 ~1989
12802199256043998 ~1986
12802403256048078 ~1986
12802987176681220710 ~1991
128030711280307119 ~1988
12804251256085038 ~1986
12804371256087438 ~1986
12804433768265998 ~1988
128046071280460719 ~1988
12805703256114078 ~1986
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
12805763256115278 ~1986
12805823256116478 ~1986
12806099256121998 ~1986
128062491792874879 ~1989
12806597768395838 ~1988
12807013768420798 ~1988
12807131256142638 ~1986
12807191256143838 ~1986
12807563256151278 ~1986
12807601768456078 ~1988
12807721768463278 ~1988
128077991280779919 ~1988
128078591280785919 ~1988
12808091256161838 ~1986
12808283256165678 ~1986
12808319256166398 ~1986
12808511256170238 ~1986
12808583256171678 ~1986
12808739256174798 ~1986
12808979256179598 ~1986
12809101768546078 ~1988
12809557768573438 ~1988
12810071256201438 ~1986
12810191256203838 ~1986
12811343256226878 ~1986
4.368.158 digits