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Small Mersenne Prime Factors
Prime numbers of the form Mp= 2p − 1 are called Mersenne primes. For Mp to be prime, p must also be prime.
Any factor q of a Mersenne number 2p − 1 must be of the form 2kp + 1, where integer k ≥ 0. Furthermore, q must be 1 or 7 mod 8.
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
15224771304495438 ~1987
152248636089945219 ~1990
152249177003461839 ~1990
15225239304504798 ~1987
152256534567695919 ~1990
15226019304520398 ~1987
15226091304521838 ~1987
15226283304525678 ~1987
152264692131705679 ~1989
15226553913593198 ~1988
15227039304540798 ~1987
15227279304545598 ~1987
152273392740921039 ~1989
15227423304548478 ~1987
15227621913657278 ~1988
15227819304556398 ~1987
152278791218230339 ~1989
15227951304559038 ~1987
152282112436513779 ~1989
15228743304574878 ~1987
15228971304579438 ~1987
152293434873389779 ~1990
15229751304595038 ~1987
15229859304597198 ~1987
15230543304610878 ~1987
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
15231563304631278 ~1987
15231731304634638 ~1987
15231739173641824710 ~1991
15231857913911438 ~1988
152321591523215919 ~1989
152322113960374879 ~1990
15233063304661278 ~1987
15233243304664878 ~1987
15233641914018478 ~1988
15234203304684078 ~1987
15234311304686238 ~1987
15234473914068398 ~1988
15234503304690078 ~1987
15234959304699198 ~1987
15235079304701598 ~1987
15235439304708798 ~1987
15236723304734478 ~1987
15236999304739998 ~1987
15237191304743838 ~1987
15237539304750798 ~1987
15238271304765438 ~1987
15238319304766398 ~1987
15238997914339838 ~1988
15239459304789198 ~1987
15239963304799278 ~1987
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
15240613914436798 ~1988
15240779304815598 ~1987
152412671524126719 ~1989
15241679304833598 ~1987
15242291304845838 ~1987
152423091219384739 ~1989
15242459304849198 ~1987
15242543304850878 ~1987
15242891304857838 ~1987
15243083304861678 ~1987
15243131304862638 ~1987
15243311304866238 ~1987
15243359304867198 ~1987
152436711219493699 ~1989
15244139304882798 ~1987
15244739304894798 ~1987
15244913914694798 ~1988
152450511219604099 ~1989
152450533353911679 ~1990
152452031524520319 ~1989
15245281914716878 ~1988
152458334573749919 ~1990
15246221914773278 ~1988
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
15247217914833038 ~1988
15247343304946878 ~1987
15247559304951198 ~1987
15247931304958638 ~1987
15247993914879598 ~1988
152480591524805919 ~1989
15248111304962238 ~1987
15248339304966798 ~1987
15248903304978078 ~1987
15249491304989838 ~1987
15249623304992478 ~1987
15250297915017838 ~1988
15250463305009278 ~1987
15250577915034638 ~1988
15250619305012398 ~1987
15250799305015998 ~1987
15250883305017678 ~1987
152510692135149679 ~1989
15251399305027998 ~1987
152515631525156319 ~1989
15252113915126798 ~1988
15252131305042638 ~1987
15252203305044078 ~1987
15252239305044798 ~1987
15252371305047438 ~1987
4.368.158 digits