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Small Mersenne Prime Factors
Prime numbers of the form Mp= 2p − 1 are called Mersenne primes. For Mp to be prime, p must also be prime.
Any factor q of a Mersenne number 2p − 1 must be of the form 2kp + 1, where integer k ≥ 0. Furthermore, q must be 1 or 7 mod 8.
Exp. Prime Factor Digits Year
9817961589077678 ~1987
9818353589101198 ~1987
9819191785535298 ~1987
9819521589171278 ~1987
9819899196397998 ~1986
9820043196400878 ~1986
9820199196403998 ~1986
9820219982021918 ~1987
9820259196405198 ~1986
9820403196408078 ~1986
9820493589229598 ~1987
9820523196410478 ~1986
9820631196412638 ~1986
9821159196423198 ~1986
9821219196424398 ~1986
9821303196426078 ~1986
9822203196444078 ~1986
9822359196447198 ~1986
9822559982255918 ~1987
9822731785818498 ~1987
9823031196460638 ~1986
9823937589436238 ~1987
9824123196482478 ~1986
9824723196494478 ~1986
Exp. Prime Factor Digits Year
98247471768454479 ~1988
9824819196496398 ~1986
9824879196497598 ~1986
9824999196499998 ~1986
9825107786008578 ~1987
9825161589509678 ~1987
9825191196503838 ~1986
9825443196508878 ~1986
9825653589539198 ~1987
9825659196513198 ~1986
9826343196526878 ~1986
9826393589583598 ~1987
9826777589606638 ~1987
9827063196541278 ~1986
9827243196544878 ~1986
9827399196547998 ~1986
9827633589657998 ~1987
9827821589669278 ~1987
9827879196557598 ~1986
9827981786238498 ~1987
98280676486524239 ~1989
9828179196563598 ~1986
9828341589700478 ~1987
9828653589719198 ~1987
9828827141535108910 ~1990
Exp. Prime Factor Digits Year
9829091196581838 ~1986
9829343196586878 ~1986
9829481589768878 ~1987
9829643196592878 ~1986
9830351196607038 ~1986
9830651196613038 ~1986
9830759196615198 ~1986
9830897589853838 ~1987
9831119196622398 ~1986
98313611573017779 ~1988
9831803196636078 ~1986
9832093589925598 ~1987
9832133589927998 ~1987
98323271573172339 ~1988
9832637589958238 ~1987
9832643196652878 ~1986
9833039196660798 ~1986
9833303196666078 ~1986
9833561590013678 ~1987
98340791770134239 ~1988
9834299196685998 ~1986
9834373590062398 ~1987
98344132360259139 ~1988
98344919637801199 ~1990
9834983196699678 ~1986
Exp. Prime Factor Digits Year
9835999983599918 ~1987
9836003196720078 ~1986
9836159196723198 ~1986
9836363196727278 ~1986
9836399196727998 ~1986
9836417786913378 ~1987
9836681786934498 ~1987
9837083196741678 ~1986
9837313590238798 ~1987
9837439983743918 ~1987
9837851196757038 ~1986
9838133590287998 ~1987
9838207983820718 ~1987
9838259196765198 ~1986
9838379196767598 ~1986
9838397590303838 ~1987
9838877590332638 ~1987
9838943196778878 ~1986
9839021590341278 ~1987
9839339196786798 ~1986
9839509328639600710 ~1991
9839897787191778 ~1987
98399111574385779 ~1988
9839941590396478 ~1987
4.368.158 digits