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Small Mersenne Prime Factors
Prime numbers of the form Mp= 2p − 1 are called Mersenne primes. For Mp to be prime, p must also be prime.
Any factor q of a Mersenne number 2p − 1 must be of the form 2kp + 1, where integer k ≥ 0. Furthermore, q must be 1 or 7 mod 8.
Exp. Prime Factor Digits Year
92437812033631839 ~1988
9243791184875838 ~1985
9243841554630478 ~1987
9243847924384718 ~1987
9243929739514338 ~1987
92441991663955839 ~1988
9244223184884478 ~1985
9244451184889038 ~1985
9245303184906078 ~1985
92453116101905279 ~1989
9245627127589652710 ~1990
9245711184914238 ~1985
9245759739660738 ~1987
9245813554748798 ~1987
9245963184919278 ~1985
9245987739678978 ~1987
9246199924619918 ~1987
9246233554773998 ~1987
92464036657410179 ~1989
9246599184931998 ~1985
9246841116510196710 ~1990
92473398322605119 ~1989
9247361554841678 ~1987
9247613554856798 ~1987
Exp. Prime Factor Digits Year
9247741554864478 ~1987
9247829739826338 ~1987
9248111184962238 ~1985
9248171184963438 ~1985
9248243184964878 ~1985
9248333554899998 ~1987
9248347924834718 ~1987
9248363184967278 ~1985
92487971479807539 ~1988
9249113554946798 ~1987
9249431184988638 ~1985
9249701554982078 ~1987
9249881554992878 ~1987
9249899184997998 ~1985
9249959184999198 ~1985
9250013555000798 ~1987
9250343185006878 ~1985
9250583185011678 ~1985
9250823185016478 ~1985
9251017555061038 ~1987
9251161555069678 ~1987
92515972775479119 ~1988
9251699185033998 ~1985
9251771185035438 ~1985
9251999185039998 ~1985
Exp. Prime Factor Digits Year
9252011185040238 ~1985
9252143185042878 ~1985
9252251185045038 ~1985
9252283925228318 ~1987
92523792220570979 ~1988
9252863185057278 ~1985
9252959185059198 ~1985
9253043185060878 ~1985
9253259185065198 ~1985
9253319185066398 ~1985
9253451185069038 ~1985
9254057740324578 ~1987
92541496477904319 ~1989
9254183185083678 ~1985
9254351185087038 ~1985
9254603185092078 ~1985
92546774997525599 ~1989
9254831185096638 ~1985
9254891185097838 ~1985
9255899185117998 ~1985
9255971185119438 ~1985
9255977555358638 ~1987
9255997555359838 ~1987
9256343185126878 ~1985
Exp. Prime Factor Digits Year
9256417555385038 ~1987
9256673555400398 ~1987
9256901555414078 ~1987
9256957555417438 ~1987
9256991185139838 ~1985
9257117555427038 ~1987
9257273555436398 ~1987
9257291185145838 ~1985
9257459185149198 ~1985
9257461555447678 ~1987
9257471185149438 ~1985
92578792962521299 ~1988
9258299185165998 ~1985
9258503185170078 ~1985
9258521555511278 ~1987
9258541555512478 ~1987
9258923185178478 ~1985
9259499185189998 ~1985
9259553555573198 ~1987
9260729740858338 ~1987
9260857555651438 ~1987
9260899926089918 ~1987
9260963185219278 ~1985
9261101555666078 ~1987
92614871667067679 ~1988
4.368.158 digits