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Small Mersenne Prime Factors
Prime numbers of the form Mp= 2p − 1 are called Mersenne primes. For Mp to be prime, p must also be prime.
Any factor q of a Mersenne number 2p − 1 must be of the form 2kp + 1, where integer k ≥ 0. Furthermore, q must be 1 or 7 mod 8.
Exp. Prime Factor Digits Year
9839987787198978 ~1987
9840179196803598 ~1986
9840199984019918 ~1987
9840431196808638 ~1986
9840503196810078 ~1986
9841157787292578 ~1987
9841319196826398 ~1986
9841379196827598 ~1986
9841597590495838 ~1987
9841703196834078 ~1986
9842279196845598 ~1986
9843371196867438 ~1986
9843419196868398 ~1986
9843863196877278 ~1986
9843923196878478 ~1986
9844031196880638 ~1986
9844259196885198 ~1986
9844537590672238 ~1987
9844739196894798 ~1986
9844811196896238 ~1986
9845051196901038 ~1986
98450896891562319 ~1989
98454832362915939 ~1988
9845677590740638 ~1987
Exp. Prime Factor Digits Year
9845723196914478 ~1986
9845939196918798 ~1986
9845951787676098 ~1987
98459633150708179 ~1989
9846037590762238 ~1987
98461132363067139 ~1988
9846301590778078 ~1987
9846377590782638 ~1987
9846443196928878 ~1986
9846659196933198 ~1986
9846701590802078 ~1987
9846779196935598 ~1986
9846839196936798 ~1986
9846841590810478 ~1987
9847091196941838 ~1986
9847499196949998 ~1986
9847637787810978 ~1987
9847891984789118 ~1987
9847897590873838 ~1987
9848183196963678 ~1986
9848291196965838 ~1986
9848299984829918 ~1987
9848543196970878 ~1986
9848801787904098 ~1987
9848857590931438 ~1987
Exp. Prime Factor Digits Year
9848879196977598 ~1986
98488871772799679 ~1988
9849551196991038 ~1986
9849577590974638 ~1987
9849863196997278 ~1986
9849941590996478 ~1987
9850499197009998 ~1986
9850751197015038 ~1986
98520673940826819 ~1989
9852179197043598 ~1986
9852413591144798 ~1987
9852617591157038 ~1987
9852701591162078 ~1987
9852743197054878 ~1986
98529071576465139 ~1988
9853043197060878 ~1986
9853061788244898 ~1987
9853139197062798 ~1986
9853439197068798 ~1986
9853559197071198 ~1986
9853703197074078 ~1986
98537632364903139 ~1988
9854083985408318 ~1987
9854459197089198 ~1986
98545694546898136711 ~1994
Exp. Prime Factor Digits Year
9854639197092798 ~1986
9854651197093038 ~1986
9854699197093998 ~1986
9854759197095198 ~1986
98547771379668799 ~1988
9855011197100238 ~1986
9855311197106238 ~1986
9855541591332478 ~1987
9855689788455138 ~1987
9855997591359838 ~1987
9856019197120398 ~1986
9856061591363678 ~1987
9856103197122078 ~1986
9856151788492098 ~1987
9856211197124238 ~1986
9856391197127838 ~1986
9856411985641118 ~1987
9856439197128798 ~1986
98564711774164799 ~1988
9856919197138398 ~1986
9857293591437598 ~1987
9857483197149678 ~1986
9857579197151598 ~1986
9857663197153278 ~1986
4.368.158 digits