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Small Mersenne Prime Factors
Prime numbers of the form Mp= 2p − 1 are called Mersenne primes. For Mp to be prime, p must also be prime.
Any factor q of a Mersenne number 2p − 1 must be of the form 2kp + 1, where integer k ≥ 0. Furthermore, q must be 1 or 7 mod 8.
Exp. Prime Factor Digits Year
8861423177228478 ~1985
8861519177230398 ~1985
8861773531706398 ~1986
8861921531715278 ~1986
8862041531722478 ~1986
8862323177246478 ~1985
8862611177252238 ~1985
8862619886261918 ~1987
8863013531780798 ~1986
8863319709065538 ~1987
8863333531799998 ~1986
8863499177269998 ~1985
8863619177272398 ~1985
8863691177273838 ~1985
8863703177274078 ~1985
8864291177285838 ~1985
8864351177287038 ~1985
8864417531865038 ~1986
8864461531867678 ~1986
8864903177298078 ~1985
88649693368688239 ~1988
8865011177300238 ~1985
8865203177304078 ~1985
8865443177308878 ~1985
88655832127739939 ~1988
Exp. Prime Factor Digits Year
88657631418522099 ~1987
8865803177316078 ~1985
8865991886599118 ~1987
8866079177321598 ~1985
8866147886614718 ~1987
8866391177327838 ~1985
8866463177329278 ~1985
8866603886660318 ~1987
8866667709333378 ~1987
8866943177338878 ~1985
8867003177340078 ~1985
8867657709412578 ~1987
8867773532066398 ~1986
8867861709428898 ~1987
8868479177369598 ~1985
8868803177376078 ~1985
8868971177379438 ~1985
8869043177380878 ~1985
8869153532149198 ~1986
8869321532159278 ~1986
8869361532161678 ~1986
8869633532177998 ~1986
88696691951327199 ~1988
88697412660922319 ~1988
Exp. Prime Factor Digits Year
88697991596563839 ~1988
8869919709593538 ~1987
8870021532201278 ~1986
8870423177408478 ~1985
8870783177415678 ~1985
88708192128996579 ~1988
8871091887109118 ~1987
8871251177425038 ~1985
8871701532302078 ~1986
8871893532313598 ~1986
8871899177437998 ~1985
8872153532329198 ~1986
8872621532357278 ~1986
8872679177453598 ~1985
88727232129453539 ~1988
8872739177454798 ~1985
8872901532374078 ~1986
8872973532378398 ~1986
8873273532396398 ~1986
8873519177470398 ~1985
8873591177471838 ~1985
8873597532415838 ~1986
8873701532422078 ~1986
8873783177475678 ~1985
8873897709911778 ~1987
Exp. Prime Factor Digits Year
8874143177482878 ~1985
8874157532449438 ~1986
8874269709941538 ~1987
88743011952346239 ~1988
88747918519799379 ~1989
8874863177497278 ~1985
8874913532494798 ~1986
8874977532498638 ~1986
8875211177504238 ~1985
88752532840080979 ~1988
8875277532516638 ~1986
8876051177521038 ~1985
88762971242681599 ~1987
8876531177530638 ~1985
88766539054186079 ~1989
8876663177533278 ~1985
8876831177536638 ~1985
8877061532623678 ~1986
8877419177548398 ~1985
8877623177552478 ~1985
88778512308241279 ~1988
8877899177557998 ~1985
8877923177558478 ~1985
8878601532716078 ~1986
4.368.158 digits