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Small Mersenne Prime Factors
Prime numbers of the form Mp= 2p − 1 are called Mersenne primes. For Mp to be prime, p must also be prime.
Any factor q of a Mersenne number 2p − 1 must be of the form 2kp + 1, where integer k ≥ 0. Furthermore, q must be 1 or 7 mod 8.
Exp. Prime Factor Digits Year
8878921532735278 ~1986
88789491243052879 ~1987
8878973532738398 ~1986
8878979177579598 ~1985
8879153532749198 ~1986
88791791598252239 ~1988
8879243177584878 ~1985
8879393532763598 ~1986
8879401532764078 ~1986
8879999177599998 ~1985
8880023177600478 ~1985
88801875150508479 ~1989
8880491177609838 ~1985
8880551177611038 ~1985
8880577532834638 ~1986
8880671177613438 ~1985
8880719177614398 ~1985
8881513532890798 ~1986
8881751177635038 ~1985
8881787710542978 ~1987
8881991177639838 ~1985
8882047888204718 ~1987
8882437532946238 ~1986
8882579177651598 ~1985
8882999177659998 ~1985
Exp. Prime Factor Digits Year
8883131177662638 ~1985
8883779177675598 ~1985
8883821533029278 ~1986
8883971177679438 ~1985
8883977533038638 ~1986
8884067710725378 ~1987
8884091177681838 ~1985
8884163177683278 ~1985
88843496396731299 ~1989
8884511177690238 ~1985
88848591599274639 ~1988
8885039177700798 ~1985
8885113533106798 ~1986
8885117533107038 ~1986
88851711599330799 ~1988
8885641533138478 ~1986
8885699177713998 ~1985
8885771177715438 ~1985
8885777710862178 ~1987
8885837533150238 ~1986
8886173533170398 ~1986
8886239177724798 ~1985
8886551177731038 ~1985
8886617533197038 ~1986
Exp. Prime Factor Digits Year
8886701533202078 ~1986
8887271177745438 ~1985
8887547711003778 ~1987
8887553533253198 ~1986
8887691711015298 ~1987
8887721533263278 ~1986
8887871177757438 ~1985
8887919177758398 ~1985
88880392133129379 ~1988
88884619955076339 ~1990
8888531177770638 ~1985
8888651177773038 ~1985
88894271600096879 ~1988
8889659177793198 ~1985
8889719177794398 ~1985
8889757533385438 ~1986
88898214978299779 ~1989
8889851177797038 ~1985
8890073533404398 ~1986
8890243889024318 ~1987
8890457533427438 ~1986
8890513533430798 ~1986
8890621533437278 ~1986
8890709711256738 ~1987
8891171177823438 ~1985
Exp. Prime Factor Digits Year
8891237533474238 ~1986
8891471177829438 ~1985
8891557533493438 ~1986
8891579177831598 ~1985
8891843177836878 ~1985
8891999177839998 ~1985
8892077533524638 ~1986
88922176224551919 ~1989
8892263177845278 ~1985
8892431177848638 ~1985
8892491177849838 ~1985
8892553533553198 ~1986
88926071600669279 ~1988
8893177533590638 ~1986
8893259177865198 ~1985
8893331177866638 ~1985
8893799177875998 ~1985
8893897533633838 ~1986
8894003177880078 ~1985
8894351177887038 ~1985
8894377533662638 ~1986
8894423177888478 ~1985
8894657533679438 ~1986
8894843177896878 ~1985
8895179177903598 ~1985
4.368.158 digits