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Small Mersenne Prime Factors
Prime numbers of the form Mp= 2p − 1 are called Mersenne primes. For Mp to be prime, p must also be prime.
Any factor q of a Mersenne number 2p − 1 must be of the form 2kp + 1, where integer k ≥ 0. Furthermore, q must be 1 or 7 mod 8.
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
10072871201457438 ~1986
10072883201457678 ~1986
10073111201462238 ~1986
10073321604399278 ~1987
10073597805887778 ~1987
10073603201472078 ~1986
10073711201474238 ~1986
10073801604428078 ~1987
10073893604433598 ~1987
10074203201484078 ~1986
100743296246083999 ~1989
10074347805947778 ~1987
10074419201488398 ~1986
10074539201490798 ~1986
10074613604476798 ~1987
10074671201493438 ~1986
10074923201498478 ~1986
10074983201499678 ~1986
10075199201503998 ~1986
100753271813558879 ~1988
10075991201519838 ~1986
10076351201527038 ~1986
10076603201532078 ~1986
10076879201537598 ~1986
10077443201548878 ~1986
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
100774931612398899 ~1988
10077563201551278 ~1986
10077803201556078 ~1986
10078259201565198 ~1986
10078421806273698 ~1987
10078571201571438 ~1986
10078643201572878 ~1986
10078811806304898 ~1987
10078823201576478 ~1986
10079021806321698 ~1987
100792571612681139 ~1988
10080131201602638 ~1986
10080503201610078 ~1986
10080641604838478 ~1987
10080671201613438 ~1986
10080803201616078 ~1986
10080869806469538 ~1987
10081031201620638 ~1986
10081499201629998 ~1986
10081583201631678 ~1986
10081619201632398 ~1986
10081637604898238 ~1987
10081679201633598 ~1986
10082117604927038 ~1987
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
10082279201645598 ~1986
10082771201655438 ~1986
10082783201655678 ~1986
10082797604967838 ~1987
10083071201661438 ~1986
10083179201663598 ~1986
10083461806676898 ~1987
10083539201670798 ~1986
100839791815116239 ~1988
10084289806743138 ~1987
10084523201690478 ~1986
10084883201697678 ~1986
10085123201702478 ~1986
10085639201712798 ~1986
100860191008601919 ~1987
10086179201723598 ~1986
100863431613814899 ~1988
10086437806914978 ~1987
10087019201740398 ~1986
10087079201741598 ~1986
100880412219369039 ~1988
100883572421205699 ~1988
10088483201769678 ~1986
100887071008870719 ~1987
10089221807137698 ~1987
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
10089251201785038 ~1986
10089263201785278 ~1986
10089671201793438 ~1986
10089791201795838 ~1986
10090043201800878 ~1986
10090229807218338 ~1987
10090403201808078 ~1986
10090481605428878 ~1987
10090523201810478 ~1986
100906991009069919 ~1987
10090739201814798 ~1986
10090981605458878 ~1987
10091363201827278 ~1986
10091663201833278 ~1986
10091723201834478 ~1986
10091759201835198 ~1986
10092119201842398 ~1986
100926712624094479 ~1988
10092793605567598 ~1987
10092983201859678 ~1986
10093439201868798 ~1986
10093511201870238 ~1986
100936131413105839 ~1988
100936393431837279 ~1989
10093799201875998 ~1986
4.368.158 digits