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Small Mersenne Prime Factors
Prime numbers of the form Mp= 2p − 1 are called Mersenne primes. For Mp to be prime, p must also be prime.
Any factor q of a Mersenne number 2p − 1 must be of the form 2kp + 1, where integer k ≥ 0. Furthermore, q must be 1 or 7 mod 8.
Exp. Prime Factor Digits Year
8113559162271198 ~1985
8113643162272878 ~1985
8113753486825198 ~1986
8113993486839598 ~1986
8114039649123138 ~1986
8114263811426318 ~1987
8114291649143298 ~1986
8114531162290638 ~1985
8114759162295198 ~1985
8114783162295678 ~1985
8114819162296398 ~1985
8115011162300238 ~1985
8115203162304078 ~1985
8115313486918798 ~1986
8115539162310798 ~1985
8115671649253698 ~1986
8116133486967998 ~1986
8116307649304578 ~1986
8116421486985278 ~1986
8116441486986478 ~1986
8116741487004478 ~1986
8116799162335998 ~1985
8117243162344878 ~1985
8117521487051278 ~1986
8117933487075998 ~1986
Exp. Prime Factor Digits Year
8117951162359038 ~1985
8118023162360478 ~1985
8118083162361678 ~1985
8118137487088238 ~1986
8118191162363838 ~1985
8118233487093998 ~1986
8118251162365038 ~1985
8118413487104798 ~1986
81185891948461379 ~1988
8118611162372238 ~1985
8119151162383038 ~1985
8119211162384238 ~1985
8119313487158798 ~1986
8119337487160238 ~1986
8119361487161678 ~1986
8119439162388798 ~1985
8119451162389038 ~1985
81196971136757599 ~1987
8120117487207038 ~1986
8120243162404878 ~1985
8120317487219038 ~1986
8120459162409198 ~1985
81205971136883599 ~1987
81206175197194899 ~1989
81206591461718639 ~1987
Exp. Prime Factor Digits Year
8120741487244478 ~1986
8120789649663138 ~1986
8121419162428398 ~1985
8121433487285998 ~1986
8121671162433438 ~1985
8121851649748098 ~1986
8121959162439198 ~1985
8122021487321278 ~1986
8122043162440878 ~1985
81221571949317699 ~1988
8122757487365438 ~1986
8122799162455998 ~1985
81231972436959119 ~1988
8123471162469438 ~1985
8123477649878178 ~1986
8123593487415598 ~1986
8123657487419438 ~1986
8123873487432398 ~1986
81238973087080879 ~1988
8124023162480478 ~1985
81242471949819299 ~1988
8124323162486478 ~1985
8124491162489838 ~1985
8124503162490078 ~1985
Exp. Prime Factor Digits Year
8124659162493198 ~1985
8124731162494638 ~1985
8124839162496798 ~1985
8124877487492638 ~1986
8124923162498478 ~1985
8125223162504478 ~1985
8125319162506398 ~1985
8125343162506878 ~1985
81256397150562339 ~1989
8125811162516238 ~1985
8125823162516478 ~1985
81260093900484339 ~1988
81260874063043519 ~1988
81261371950272899 ~1988
8126213487572798 ~1986
8126711162534238 ~1985
8126879650150338 ~1986
8127023162540478 ~1985
8127083162541678 ~1985
8127233487633998 ~1986
81272711300363379 ~1987
81272931137821039 ~1987
8127313487638798 ~1986
8127551162551038 ~1985
8127923162558478 ~1985
4.368.158 digits