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Small Mersenne Prime Factors
Prime numbers of the form Mp= 2p − 1 are called Mersenne primes. For Mp to be prime, p must also be prime.
Any factor q of a Mersenne number 2p − 1 must be of the form 2kp + 1, where integer k ≥ 0. Furthermore, q must be 1 or 7 mod 8.
Exp. Prime Factor Digits Year
9223387922338718 ~1987
9223573553414398 ~1987
92235971475775539 ~1988
9223751184475038 ~1985
9224323922432318 ~1987
9224399184487998 ~1985
92249832213995939 ~1988
9225179184503598 ~1985
9225221553513278 ~1987
9225539184510798 ~1985
9225719184514398 ~1985
92259471660670479 ~1988
9226391184527838 ~1985
9226439184528798 ~1985
92267532214420739 ~1988
92272217197232399 ~1989
9227297738183778 ~1987
9227321553639278 ~1987
9227357553641438 ~1987
9227579184551598 ~1985
9227627738210178 ~1987
92277418858631379 ~1989
92278492952911699 ~1988
9227879738230338 ~1987
92282032214768739 ~1988
Exp. Prime Factor Digits Year
9228311184566238 ~1985
9228599184571998 ~1985
92286891292016479 ~1987
9229439184588798 ~1985
9229523184590478 ~1985
9229673553780398 ~1987
9229699922969918 ~1987
9230183184603678 ~1985
92303172769095119 ~1988
9230357553821438 ~1987
9230437553826238 ~1987
9230579738446338 ~1987
9230737553844238 ~1987
9230911923091118 ~1987
9230999184619998 ~1985
9232259184645198 ~1985
9232631184652638 ~1985
92327115354972399 ~1989
92331237386498419 ~1989
9233201738656098 ~1987
9233219184664398 ~1985
9233579184671598 ~1985
92336592216078179 ~1988
9233743923374318 ~1987
9233821554029278 ~1987
Exp. Prime Factor Digits Year
9234299184685998 ~1985
9234359184687198 ~1985
9234479184689598 ~1985
9234517554071038 ~1987
9234713554082798 ~1987
9235511184710238 ~1985
9235559184711198 ~1985
9235703184714078 ~1985
92357391662433039 ~1988
9235823184716478 ~1985
92358476095659039 ~1989
9235931184718638 ~1985
9236657738932578 ~1987
9236663184733278 ~1985
9236723184734478 ~1985
9236897554213838 ~1987
92371991662695839 ~1988
9237377554242638 ~1987
9237551184751038 ~1985
9238081554284878 ~1987
92381935727679679 ~1989
92383993880127599 ~1989
9238457554307438 ~1987
9238553554313198 ~1987
Exp. Prime Factor Digits Year
9238597554315838 ~1987
9238787739102978 ~1987
9239201554352078 ~1987
9239231184784638 ~1985
9239591184791838 ~1985
9239873554392398 ~1987
9239963184799278 ~1985
9239977554398638 ~1987
9239987739198978 ~1987
9240013554400798 ~1987
9240173554410398 ~1987
9240223924022318 ~1987
9240377554422638 ~1987
9240767739261378 ~1987
9241357554481438 ~1987
9241811184836238 ~1985
9242003184840078 ~1985
9242333554539998 ~1987
9242501554550078 ~1987
9242657554559438 ~1987
9243131184862638 ~1985
9243181554590878 ~1987
92433191663797439 ~1988
9243551184871038 ~1985
9243743184874878 ~1985
4.368.158 digits