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Small Mersenne Prime Factors
Prime numbers of the form Mp= 2p − 1 are called Mersenne primes. For Mp to be prime, p must also be prime.
Any factor q of a Mersenne number 2p − 1 must be of the form 2kp + 1, where integer k ≥ 0. Furthermore, q must be 1 or 7 mod 8.
Exp. Prime Factor Digits Year
8129081487744878 ~1986
8129123162582478 ~1985
8129339650347138 ~1986
81294115365411279 ~1989
8129413487764798 ~1986
8129477487768638 ~1986
8129507650360578 ~1986
8129783162595678 ~1985
8129939162598798 ~1985
81305991951343779 ~1988
81306731300907699 ~1987
8130851162617038 ~1985
8130911162618238 ~1985
8131241487874478 ~1986
8131337487880238 ~1986
8131633487897998 ~1986
8131961487917678 ~1986
8132051162641038 ~1985
8132219162644398 ~1985
8132291162645838 ~1985
81323471301175539 ~1987
8132483162649678 ~1985
8132759162655198 ~1985
8132843162656878 ~1985
81332411301318579 ~1987
Exp. Prime Factor Digits Year
8133371162667438 ~1985
8133403813340318 ~1987
8133791162675838 ~1985
8133971162679438 ~1985
8134739162694798 ~1985
8134799162695998 ~1985
8135201488112078 ~1986
8135221488113278 ~1986
8135243162704878 ~1985
8135279162705598 ~1985
8135581488134878 ~1986
8135797488147838 ~1986
8136143162722878 ~1985
8136551650924098 ~1986
8136743162734878 ~1985
81374111301985779 ~1987
8137517488251038 ~1986
8137631162752638 ~1985
8137813488268798 ~1986
8138111162762238 ~1985
8138363162767278 ~1985
8138539813853918 ~1987
8138579162771598 ~1985
8138861651108898 ~1986
81388632767213439 ~1988
Exp. Prime Factor Digits Year
8139119162782398 ~1985
8139359162787198 ~1985
8139431162788638 ~1985
8139553488373198 ~1986
8139917488395038 ~1986
8139959162799198 ~1985
81401331953631939 ~1988
8140211162804238 ~1985
8140439162808798 ~1985
8140571162811438 ~1985
8140661651252898 ~1986
8141059814105918 ~1987
81415691791145199 ~1987
8141879162837598 ~1985
8141891162837838 ~1985
81419571954069699 ~1988
8142353488541198 ~1986
8142503162850078 ~1985
8142731162854638 ~1985
8142817488569038 ~1986
81432311302916979 ~1987
8143237488594238 ~1986
8143273488596398 ~1986
8143313488598798 ~1986
8143319162866398 ~1985
Exp. Prime Factor Digits Year
8143453488607198 ~1986
8143463162869278 ~1985
8143687814368718 ~1987
8143763162875278 ~1985
8143847651507778 ~1986
8143853488631198 ~1986
8143931162878638 ~1985
8144039162880798 ~1985
8144237488654238 ~1986
8144291162885838 ~1985
8144393488663598 ~1986
8144399162887998 ~1985
8144579162891598 ~1985
8144861488691678 ~1986
8144999651599938 ~1986
8145209651616738 ~1986
8145419162908398 ~1985
8145443162908878 ~1985
8145479162909598 ~1985
8145541488732478 ~1986
8146511162930238 ~1985
8146571162931438 ~1985
8146637488798238 ~1986
8146751162935038 ~1985
81468674725182879 ~1989
4.368.158 digits