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Small Mersenne Prime Factors
Prime numbers of the form Mp= 2p − 1 are called Mersenne primes. For Mp to be prime, p must also be prime.
Any factor q of a Mersenne number 2p − 1 must be of the form 2kp + 1, where integer k ≥ 0. Furthermore, q must be 1 or 7 mod 8.
Exp. Prime Factor Digits Year
7771859155437198 ~1985
7772189621775138 ~1986
7772341466340478 ~1986
77723531865364739 ~1987
77723931865374339 ~1987
7772507621800578 ~1986
7772543155450878 ~1985
7772641466358478 ~1986
7772753466365198 ~1986
77727971865471299 ~1987
7772879155457598 ~1985
77730531088227439 ~1987
7773119155462398 ~1985
7773173466390398 ~1986
7773179155463598 ~1985
7773431155468638 ~1985
77734491088282879 ~1987
7773481466408878 ~1986
7773611155472238 ~1985
7773617466417038 ~1986
7773803155476078 ~1985
7773877466432638 ~1986
7773917466435038 ~1986
Exp. Prime Factor Digits Year
7774601466476078 ~1986
7774651777465118 ~1986
7774751155495038 ~1985
7774979155499598 ~1985
7775039155500798 ~1985
7775051155501038 ~1985
7775099622007938 ~1986
7775231155504638 ~1985
7775279155505598 ~1985
7775459155509198 ~1985
7775543155510878 ~1985
7775717466543038 ~1986
7775843155516878 ~1985
7775879155517598 ~1985
7776143155522878 ~1985
7776383155527678 ~1985
77766491866395779 ~1987
7777223155544478 ~1985
77772911244366579 ~1987
7777421622193698 ~1986
7777499155549998 ~1985
7777843777784318 ~1986
7778159155563198 ~1985
7778279155565598 ~1985
7778591155571838 ~1985
Exp. Prime Factor Digits Year
77786471244583539 ~1987
7778759155575198 ~1985
7778801622304098 ~1986
77789411244630579 ~1987
7779077622326178 ~1986
7779137622330978 ~1986
7779203155584078 ~1985
7779713466782798 ~1986
7779787777978718 ~1986
7779847777984718 ~1986
7780343155606878 ~1985
77803511244856179 ~1987
7780523155610478 ~1985
7780691622455298 ~1986
77807111400527999 ~1987
7780757622460578 ~1986
7780891778089118 ~1986
7780919155618398 ~1985
7781159155623198 ~1985
7781261466875678 ~1986
7781297466877838 ~1986
7781573466894398 ~1986
7781591155631838 ~1985
7781821466909278 ~1986
7782377622590178 ~1986
Exp. Prime Factor Digits Year
7782587622606978 ~1986
7782779155655598 ~1985
7782917466975038 ~1986
7783343155666878 ~1985
7783621467017278 ~1986
7783757622700578 ~1986
77840391868169379 ~1987
77842211712528639 ~1987
7784459155689198 ~1985
7784593467075598 ~1986
7784723155694478 ~1985
77847292335418719 ~1988
7784771622781698 ~1986
7784831155696638 ~1985
7784951155699038 ~1985
77849812335494319 ~1988
7785131155702638 ~1985
7785341467120478 ~1986
7785359155707198 ~1985
7785803155716078 ~1985
7785913467154798 ~1986
7786151155723038 ~1985
7786451155729038 ~1985
7786511155730238 ~1985
7786763155735278 ~1985
4.368.158 digits