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Small Mersenne Prime Factors
Prime numbers of the form Mp= 2p − 1 are called Mersenne primes. For Mp to be prime, p must also be prime.
Any factor q of a Mersenne number 2p − 1 must be of the form 2kp + 1, where integer k ≥ 0. Furthermore, q must be 1 or 7 mod 8.
Exp. Prime Factor Digits Year
7755851155117038 ~1985
77558891861413379 ~1987
7755959155119198 ~1985
7756321465379278 ~1986
7756633465397998 ~1986
7756781620542498 ~1986
7756951775695118 ~1986
7756961620556898 ~1986
7757041465422478 ~1986
77575515585436739 ~1989
7757699155153998 ~1985
7758083155161678 ~1985
7758743155174878 ~1985
77587691706929199 ~1987
7758899620711938 ~1986
7758911155178238 ~1985
77590991862183779 ~1987
7759151155183038 ~1985
7759513465570798 ~1986
7759777465586638 ~1986
7759877465592638 ~1986
7760017465601038 ~1986
7760171155203438 ~1985
7760321465619278 ~1986
Exp. Prime Factor Digits Year
7760471155209438 ~1985
77605673880283519 ~1988
7760717465643038 ~1986
7760897620871778 ~1986
7761107620888578 ~1986
7761133465667998 ~1986
77614511241832179 ~1987
7761493465689598 ~1986
7761599155231998 ~1985
7761839155236798 ~1985
7761953465717198 ~1986
7762331620986498 ~1986
7762373465742398 ~1986
7762451155249038 ~1985
7763183155263678 ~1985
7763773465826398 ~1986
7763939155278798 ~1985
7764059155281198 ~1985
7764181465850878 ~1986
77643291087006079 ~1987
7764371155287438 ~1985
7764479155289598 ~1985
7764677465880638 ~1986
7764803155296078 ~1985
77648512018861279 ~1987
Exp. Prime Factor Digits Year
7764881621190498 ~1986
7765193465911598 ~1986
7765211155304238 ~1985
7765259155305198 ~1985
7765343155306878 ~1985
77654934193366239 ~1988
7765553465933198 ~1986
77660092485122899 ~1988
7766021621281698 ~1986
7766039155320798 ~1985
77661531863876739 ~1987
7766201465972078 ~1986
7766267621301378 ~1986
7766483155329678 ~1985
7766533465991998 ~1986
7766963155339278 ~1985
7767443155348878 ~1985
7767493111851899310 ~1989
7767659155353198 ~1985
7767731155354638 ~1985
7767961466077678 ~1986
7768171776817118 ~1986
7768427621474178 ~1986
7768499155369998 ~1985
Exp. Prime Factor Digits Year
7768613466116798 ~1986
7768619155372398 ~1985
7768751155375038 ~1985
7768877466132638 ~1986
7769291155385838 ~1985
7769351155387038 ~1985
7769701303018339110 ~1990
7769737466184238 ~1986
7769761466185678 ~1986
7769819155396398 ~1985
7769893466193598 ~1986
7770319777031918 ~1986
77704396371759999 ~1989
7770457466227438 ~1986
7770613466236798 ~1986
7770781466246878 ~1986
7771013466260798 ~1986
7771061466263678 ~1986
7771103155422078 ~1985
7771271155425438 ~1985
7771451155429038 ~1985
7771481466288878 ~1986
7771619621729538 ~1986
7771661466299678 ~1986
4.368.158 digits