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Small Mersenne Prime Factors
Prime numbers of the form Mp= 2p − 1 are called Mersenne primes. For Mp to be prime, p must also be prime.
Any factor q of a Mersenne number 2p − 1 must be of the form 2kp + 1, where integer k ≥ 0. Furthermore, q must be 1 or 7 mod 8.
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
434464972606789839 ~1992
43446671868933438 ~1991
434467913475743299 ~1992
434493176082904399 ~1993
434519532607117199 ~1992
43454423869088478 ~1991
43455143869102878 ~1991
43455491869109838 ~1991
43456799869135998 ~1991
434571593476572739 ~1992
43458599869171998 ~1991
434595532607573199 ~1992
434635493477083939 ~1992
43465151869303038 ~1991
43465231173860924110 ~1994
43465493130396479110 ~1993
43466411869328238 ~1991
434666772608000639 ~1992
43467311869346238 ~1991
434676616954825779 ~1993
43467731869354638 ~1991
434682074346820719 ~1992
43468589478154479110 ~1995
4346868127672162324712 ~1999
434701373477610979 ~1992
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
43471019869420398 ~1991
43471303182579472710 ~1994
43473239869464798 ~1991
43473851869477038 ~1991
43475639869512798 ~1991
434760612608563679 ~1992
43476287104343088910 ~1993
43476431869528638 ~1991
43477943869558878 ~1991
43479071869581438 ~1991
43479731869594638 ~1991
434798573478388579 ~1992
43481351869627038 ~1991
43482479869649598 ~1991
434830073478640579 ~1992
43483763869675278 ~1991
43484951869699038 ~1991
43485521339187063910 ~1995
43486463869729278 ~1991
434868293478946339 ~1992
43487579869751598 ~1991
43488323869766478 ~1991
43489091869781838 ~1991
434905493479243939 ~1992
43490963869819278 ~1991
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
43491131869822638 ~1991
43491341165267095910 ~1994
43491659869833198 ~1991
43491863869837278 ~1991
43492019869840398 ~1991
43492679869853598 ~1991
43498751869975038 ~1991
43499051869981038 ~1991
43499699869993998 ~1991
43501151870023038 ~1991
43502051870041038 ~1991
43502603870052078 ~1991
435028973480231779 ~1992
43503923870078478 ~1991
43504199104410077710 ~1993
43504463870089278 ~1991
435044993480359939 ~1992
43504619870092398 ~1991
43506899870137998 ~1991
43506943104416663310 ~1993
435076193480609539 ~1992
43508519870170398 ~1991
43508579870171598 ~1991
43508963870179278 ~1991
43509551870191038 ~1991
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
43510331870206638 ~1991
435113932610683599 ~1992
43511651870233038 ~1991
435125412610752479 ~1992
435136612610819679 ~1992
435142812610856879 ~1992
43515371870307438 ~1991
43516871870337438 ~1991
43519571870391438 ~1991
43520723870414478 ~1991
43524599870491998 ~1991
43524779870495598 ~1991
43525871870517438 ~1991
435259913482079299 ~1992
43527359870547198 ~1991
43527623870552478 ~1991
435279431114315340911 ~1996
43529879870597598 ~1991
43530449104473077710 ~1993
435309372611856239 ~1992
43531511870630238 ~1991
43531583870631678 ~1991
43532579870651598 ~1991
435329899577257599 ~1993
43534259870685198 ~1991
4.368.158 digits