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Small Mersenne Prime Factors
Prime numbers of the form Mp= 2p − 1 are called Mersenne primes. For Mp to be prime, p must also be prime.
Any factor q of a Mersenne number 2p − 1 must be of the form 2kp + 1, where integer k ≥ 0. Furthermore, q must be 1 or 7 mod 8.
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
484108212904649279 ~1992
48411263968225278 ~1991
48411403116187367310 ~1994
48412423309839507310 ~1995
48414539968290798 ~1991
48416939968338798 ~1991
484179772905078639 ~1992
48420803968416078 ~1991
48421979968439598 ~1991
48422711968454238 ~1991
48424091968481838 ~1991
48424703968494078 ~1991
484247772905486639 ~1992
484249972905499839 ~1992
48425339968506798 ~1991
484284893874279139 ~1992
48432179968643598 ~1991
48432911968658238 ~1991
484330812905984879 ~1992
484337093874696739 ~1992
48434471968689438 ~1991
48435059968701198 ~1991
484372313874978499 ~1992
48439991968799838 ~1991
48440663116257591310 ~1994
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
48441727319715398310 ~1995
48442679968853598 ~1991
48443231968864638 ~1991
48443519968870398 ~1991
484435673875485379 ~1992
48444899968897998 ~1991
48445511968910238 ~1991
48445619968912398 ~1991
484483132906898799 ~1992
484483973875871779 ~1992
48448931968978638 ~1991
48450203969004078 ~1991
48453763193815052110 ~1994
48453803969076078 ~1991
484540937752654899 ~1993
48454319969086398 ~1991
484555313876442499 ~1992
484574213876593699 ~1992
48457439969148798 ~1991
48457499969149998 ~1991
48457523969150478 ~1991
484576212907457279 ~1992
484590773876726179 ~1992
48459179969183598 ~1991
48460271969205438 ~1991
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
484615372907692239 ~1992
484620612907723679 ~1992
48462371969247438 ~1991
484637118723467999 ~1993
484639932907839599 ~1992
48466403969328078 ~1991
48466631232639828910 ~1994
48469859969397198 ~1991
48471431969428638 ~1991
48472139969442798 ~1991
48474983969499678 ~1991
48476159969523198 ~1991
48476339969526798 ~1991
48477743969554878 ~1991
48478511969570238 ~1991
48480203969604078 ~1991
48481703969634078 ~1991
48484151969683038 ~1991
48485243969704878 ~1991
484863713878909699 ~1992
484868813878950499 ~1992
484876673879013379 ~1992
48488939969778798 ~1991
484901932909411599 ~1992
48490811969816238 ~1991
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
48490973145472919110 ~1994
484941078728939279 ~1993
484948932909693599 ~1992
484968434849684319 ~1993
48497401145492203110 ~1994
48497759969955198 ~1991
48500219970004398 ~1991
485013732910082399 ~1992
485043118730775999 ~1993
48505511970110238 ~1991
485064532910387199 ~1992
48506543970130878 ~1991
48507131970142638 ~1991
48507359970147198 ~1991
485079732910478399 ~1992
485093093880744739 ~1992
48509341145528023110 ~1994
48509843970196878 ~1991
48511019970220398 ~1991
48511679203749051910 ~1994
485156993881255939 ~1992
48516983970339678 ~1991
485183772911102639 ~1992
48518831970376638 ~1991
48519083970381678 ~1991
4.368.158 digits