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Small Mersenne Prime Factors
Prime numbers of the form Mp= 2p − 1 are called Mersenne primes. For Mp to be prime, p must also be prime.
Any factor q of a Mersenne number 2p − 1 must be of the form 2kp + 1, where integer k ≥ 0. Furthermore, q must be 1 or 7 mod 8.
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
35363423707268478 ~1990
35363819707276398 ~1990
35364779707295598 ~1990
353648812121892879 ~1991
353667193536671919 ~1992
35369219707384398 ~1990
353696833536968319 ~1992
35370479707409598 ~1990
35370623707412478 ~1990
35370971707419438 ~1990
35371439707428798 ~1990
35374463707489278 ~1990
353749312829994499 ~1991
35375051707501038 ~1990
353757073537570719 ~1992
35376023707520478 ~1990
353767873537678719 ~1992
35377271707545438 ~1990
353774212830193699 ~1991
353784772830278179 ~1991
353795212122771279 ~1991
35379803707596078 ~1990
353808712830469699 ~1991
35381569191060472710 ~1993
35382071707641438 ~1990
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
35382719707654398 ~1990
353833732123002399 ~1991
35384003707680078 ~1990
35384171707683438 ~1990
353851972830815779 ~1991
35385359707707198 ~1990
35385683707713678 ~1990
353866332123197999 ~1991
35387603707752078 ~1990
35388071707761438 ~1990
35388131707762638 ~1990
353882992831063939 ~1991
35388599707771998 ~1990
35389499707789998 ~1990
35389993247729951110 ~1994
35390051707801038 ~1990
35390279707805598 ~1990
35390843707816878 ~1990
35391143707822878 ~1990
353911972123471839 ~1991
35391311707826238 ~1990
35392523707850478 ~1990
353931294955038079 ~1992
35394071707881438 ~1990
35394563707891278 ~1990
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
35394959707899198 ~1990
35395511707910238 ~1990
353957392831659139 ~1991
35395859707917198 ~1990
353965212123791279 ~1991
35397203707944078 ~1990
353976472831811779 ~1991
35398019707960398 ~1990
353980932123885599 ~1991
35398523707970478 ~1990
35399723707994478 ~1990
354004575664073139 ~1992
35401451708029038 ~1990
354018412124110479 ~1991
354027292832218339 ~1991
35403779708075598 ~1990
35404151113293283310 ~1993
354044512832356099 ~1991
354046398497113379 ~1993
35404703708094078 ~1990
35405459708109198 ~1990
35406551708131038 ~1990
35406659708133198 ~1990
354069476373250479 ~1992
35407199708143998 ~1990
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
354079072832632579 ~1991
35407979708159598 ~1990
354089591359704025711 ~1996
35409779708195598 ~1990
35410423120395438310 ~1993
35410631708212638 ~1990
35411471708229438 ~1990
354118998498855779 ~1993
35412491708249838 ~1990
354127033541270319 ~1992
35412899254972872910 ~1994
354142612833140899 ~1991
35417471708349438 ~1990
35419679708393598 ~1990
35422643708452878 ~1990
35423797141695188110 ~1993
354240438501770339 ~1993
35424731708494638 ~1990
35425987226726316910 ~1994
35426123708522478 ~1990
35426591708531838 ~1990
35426663708533278 ~1990
35426771708535438 ~1990
354269272834154179 ~1991
35427011708540238 ~1990
4.368.158 digits