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Small Mersenne Prime Factors
Prime numbers of the form Mp= 2p − 1 are called Mersenne primes. For Mp to be prime, p must also be prime.
Any factor q of a Mersenne number 2p − 1 must be of the form 2kp + 1, where integer k ≥ 0. Furthermore, q must be 1 or 7 mod 8.
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
238237131429422799 ~1990
23823983476479678 ~1989
238240074288321279 ~1991
23824103476482078 ~1989
23824117109590938310 ~1992
238243011429458079 ~1990
23824571476491438 ~1989
23824943476498878 ~1989
23825339476506798 ~1989
238254674288584079 ~1991
23825519476510398 ~1989
23825603476512078 ~1989
23825759476515198 ~1989
23825783476515678 ~1989
23825843476516878 ~1989
23826359476527198 ~1989
23826683476533678 ~1989
23827151476543038 ~1989
23827283476545678 ~1989
23827403476548078 ~1989
238278411429670479 ~1990
23828159476563198 ~1989
238282632382826319 ~1990
238283833812541299 ~1991
23828699476573998 ~1989
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
23828963476579278 ~1989
238291038101895039 ~1992
238292093336089279 ~1991
23829419476588398 ~1989
238294971429769839 ~1990
23830211114385012910 ~1992
23830283476605678 ~1989
23830811476616238 ~1989
238309135719419139 ~1991
23831039476620798 ~1989
238311914289614399 ~1991
23831771476635438 ~1989
238321737149651919 ~1991
23832779476655598 ~1989
23833811476676238 ~1989
23834039476680798 ~1989
23834183476683678 ~1989
238348931430093599 ~1990
23834963476699278 ~1989
23835299476705998 ~1989
238353495720483779 ~1991
23835431476708638 ~1989
23835503476710078 ~1989
23835611476712238 ~1989
23836019476720398 ~1989
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
23836691476733838 ~1989
23836931476738638 ~1989
23837063476741278 ~1989
23837123476742478 ~1989
238373211430239279 ~1990
238376171430257039 ~1990
238379991907039939 ~1990
23838239476764798 ~1989
23838263476765278 ~1989
23838299476765998 ~1989
23839223476784478 ~1989
23839331476786638 ~1989
23839619476792398 ~1989
23840279476805598 ~1989
23840423476808478 ~1989
23840759476815198 ~1989
238410171430461039 ~1990
23841299476825998 ~1989
238415391907323139 ~1990
23841659476833198 ~1989
238416777152503119 ~1991
23841899476837998 ~1989
238429975722319299 ~1991
23843063476861278 ~1989
23843159476863198 ~1989
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
238438813815020979 ~1991
23844179476883598 ~1989
23844263476885278 ~1989
23844851476897038 ~1989
23844911476898238 ~1989
23845259476905198 ~1989
23845331476906638 ~1989
238461531430769199 ~1990
23846219476924398 ~1989
23846243476924878 ~1989
23846363476927278 ~1989
23846831476936638 ~1989
23848421243253894310 ~1993
238490714292832799 ~1991
23849279476985598 ~1989
238494912384949119 ~1990
23849603476992078 ~1989
23849879476997598 ~1989
238504811431028879 ~1990
23850539477010798 ~1989
23850791477015838 ~1989
238510971431065839 ~1990
23851211477024238 ~1989
23852063477041278 ~1989
238523511908188099 ~1990
4.368.158 digits