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Small Mersenne Prime Factors
Prime numbers of the form Mp= 2p − 1 are called Mersenne primes. For Mp to be prime, p must also be prime.
Any factor q of a Mersenne number 2p − 1 must be of the form 2kp + 1, where integer k ≥ 0. Furthermore, q must be 1 or 7 mod 8.
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
22580639451612798 ~1988
22581371451627438 ~1988
22581563451631278 ~1988
22581659451633198 ~1988
225820611354923679 ~1990
22583051451661038 ~1988
22583699451673998 ~1988
22583783451675678 ~1988
225846291806770339 ~1990
22585631451712638 ~1988
22585679451713598 ~1988
22586351451727038 ~1988
22586363451727278 ~1988
225865371806922979 ~1990
22586783451735678 ~1988
22586891451737838 ~1988
22587671451753438 ~1988
225885711807085699 ~1990
22589279451785598 ~1988
225892933614286899 ~1991
22589471451789438 ~1988
22589543451790878 ~1988
22589711451794238 ~1988
22590131451802638 ~1988
22590443451808878 ~1988
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
22590839451816798 ~1988
22590983451819678 ~1988
22591403451828078 ~1988
22592231451844638 ~1988
22592891451857838 ~1988
225933672259336719 ~1990
22593503451870078 ~1988
225947832259478319 ~1990
22594931451898638 ~1988
225961371355768239 ~1990
22596239451924798 ~1988
22596503451930078 ~1988
225966411807731299 ~1990
22596803451936078 ~1988
22597163451943278 ~1988
225972971355837839 ~1990
225975416779262319 ~1991
22598171451963438 ~1988
225983691807869539 ~1990
225985496779564719 ~1991
22598879451977598 ~1988
225993471807947779 ~1990
225994071807952579 ~1990
22599611451992238 ~1988
226005971356035839 ~1990
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
22600619452012398 ~1988
22600943452018878 ~1988
226014371356086239 ~1990
226020913616334579 ~1991
22602659452053198 ~1988
22602683452053678 ~1988
22602719452054398 ~1988
22602731452054638 ~1988
226032795424786979 ~1991
226033971356203839 ~1990
226038371356230239 ~1990
22604399452087998 ~1988
22605059452101198 ~1988
22605263452105278 ~1988
22605371452107438 ~1988
22605419452108398 ~1988
22606163452123278 ~1988
226061832260618319 ~1990
22607219452144398 ~1988
22607471452149438 ~1988
226076573165071999 ~1990
22608431452168638 ~1988
22608959452179198 ~1988
22609043452180878 ~1988
22609799452195998 ~1988
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
22610723452214478 ~1988
22610831452216638 ~1988
22610999452219998 ~1988
226110111808880899 ~1990
22611119452222398 ~1988
22611203452224078 ~1988
22611383452227678 ~1988
22612043452240878 ~1988
22612391452247838 ~1988
22613891452277838 ~1988
226140711809125699 ~1990
22615583452311678 ~1988
22616063452321278 ~1988
22616183452323678 ~1988
22616459452329198 ~1988
22616603452332078 ~1988
226169592261695919 ~1990
226175592261755919 ~1990
22617911452358238 ~1988
22618391452367838 ~1988
22618919452378398 ~1988
22619423452388478 ~1988
22619771452395438 ~1988
22620491452409838 ~1988
22620683452413678 ~1988
4.368.158 digits