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Small Mersenne Prime Factors
Prime numbers of the form Mp= 2p − 1 are called Mersenne primes. For Mp to be prime, p must also be prime.
Any factor q of a Mersenne number 2p − 1 must be of the form 2kp + 1, where integer k ≥ 0. Furthermore, q must be 1 or 7 mod 8.
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
23659991473199838 ~1989
236603333312446639 ~1991
23660459473209198 ~1989
23660699473213998 ~1989
23661359473227198 ~1989
23661719473234398 ~1989
23661791473235838 ~1989
236619011419714079 ~1990
23661983473239678 ~1989
23662091473241838 ~1989
23662211473244238 ~1989
23662823473256478 ~1989
23663879473277598 ~1989
23664143473282878 ~1989
23664479473289598 ~1989
236648577099457119 ~1991
23664911473298238 ~1989
23665361146725238310 ~1992
23665451473309038 ~1989
23665571473311438 ~1989
23665619473312398 ~1989
236659733313236239 ~1991
23666411473328238 ~1989
236672217573510739 ~1992
23667419473348398 ~1989
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
236678112366781119 ~1990
23668559473371198 ~1989
23668583473371678 ~1989
23668919473378398 ~1989
23669339473386798 ~1989
236695339467813219 ~1992
23669903473398078 ~1989
23669939473398798 ~1989
23670011473400238 ~1989
23670203473404078 ~1989
236706074260709279 ~1991
23670659473413198 ~1989
23670719473414398 ~1989
23671031473420638 ~1989
23671211473424238 ~1989
236714331420285999 ~1990
236719875681276899 ~1991
23672237189377896110 ~1992
23672399473447998 ~1989
23672963473459278 ~1989
236731215208086639 ~1991
23673431473468638 ~1989
236735395681649379 ~1991
23673659473473198 ~1989
23674603170457141710 ~1992
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
236747895208453599 ~1991
23675231473504638 ~1989
23675699473513998 ~1989
23676083473521678 ~1989
236761392367613919 ~1990
236765531420593199 ~1990
23676623473532478 ~1989
23677103473542078 ~1989
236771391894171139 ~1990
23677403473548078 ~1989
23677859473557198 ~1989
23677883473557678 ~1989
236784495209258799 ~1991
236785311894282499 ~1990
23678639473572798 ~1989
23679059473581198 ~1989
23680199473603998 ~1989
236802971420817839 ~1990
236809671894477379 ~1990
236810931420865599 ~1990
23681111473622238 ~1989
23681123473622478 ~1989
236811371420868239 ~1990
23682083473641678 ~1989
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
23682251473645038 ~1989
236825112368251119 ~1990
23683631473672638 ~1989
23684159473683198 ~1989
23684543473690878 ~1989
23684879473697598 ~1989
23684987113687937710 ~1992
23685839473716798 ~1989
23686319473726398 ~1989
23686583473731678 ~1989
236875331421251999 ~1990
236876874263783679 ~1991
23687819473756398 ~1989
236878911895031299 ~1990
23687903473758078 ~1989
23688083473761678 ~1989
23688179473763598 ~1989
23688299473765998 ~1989
23688443473768878 ~1989
23688503473770078 ~1989
23688683473773678 ~1989
23690039473800798 ~1989
23690963473819278 ~1989
23691179473823598 ~1989
23691287132671207310 ~1992
4.368.158 digits