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Small Mersenne Prime Factors
Prime numbers of the form Mp= 2p − 1 are called Mersenne primes. For Mp to be prime, p must also be prime.
Any factor q of a Mersenne number 2p − 1 must be of the form 2kp + 1, where integer k ≥ 0. Furthermore, q must be 1 or 7 mod 8.
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
22427183448543678 ~1988
224273994036931839 ~1991
22427423448548478 ~1988
22427459448549198 ~1988
22427519448550398 ~1988
22427843448556878 ~1988
22428359448567198 ~1988
224284333588549299 ~1991
22428443448568878 ~1988
22429271448585438 ~1988
224293311794346499 ~1990
22429619448592398 ~1988
224296371345778239 ~1990
224298771794390179 ~1990
224316771345900639 ~1990
22432439448648798 ~1988
22432523448650478 ~1988
22433171448663438 ~1988
22433219448664398 ~1988
224336333140708639 ~1990
22433639448672798 ~1988
22433759448675198 ~1988
22433903448678078 ~1988
22434311448686238 ~1988
224344731346068399 ~1990
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
22434479448689598 ~1988
22434491448689838 ~1988
22434539448690798 ~1988
22435463448709278 ~1988
22435691448713838 ~1988
22436831448736638 ~1988
22437539448750798 ~1988
224378811346272879 ~1990
22437911448758238 ~1988
22438511448770238 ~1988
22438739448774798 ~1988
224388775385330499 ~1991
22438919448778398 ~1988
22439357179514856110 ~1992
22439603448792078 ~1988
22439699448793998 ~1988
224397371346384239 ~1990
22439783448795678 ~1988
22439843448796878 ~1988
22439999448799998 ~1988
22440179448803598 ~1988
224412531346475199 ~1990
22441271448825438 ~1988
22441379448827598 ~1988
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
22441703448834078 ~1988
224421531346529199 ~1990
224430074039741279 ~1991
22443131448862638 ~1988
22443251448865038 ~1988
22444211448884238 ~1988
22444223448884478 ~1988
22444319448886398 ~1988
22444379448887598 ~1988
22444739448894798 ~1988
22444861161602999310 ~1992
224449211346695279 ~1990
22445063448901278 ~1988
22445459448909198 ~1988
22445639448912798 ~1988
224457495386979779 ~1991
22446023448920478 ~1988
22446059448921198 ~1988
22446071448921438 ~1988
224469131346814799 ~1990
22447079448941598 ~1988
224471093142595279 ~1990
22447283448945678 ~1988
224475011346850079 ~1990
224476992244769919 ~1990
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
22447739448954798 ~1988
22448099448961998 ~1988
224484531346907199 ~1990
22448663448973278 ~1988
22448879448977598 ~1988
22449071448981438 ~1988
224498535387964739 ~1991
22450283449005678 ~1988
22450391449007838 ~1988
22450643449012878 ~1988
22451003449020078 ~1988
22451459449029198 ~1988
22452011449040238 ~1988
224521075837547839 ~1991
22452179449043598 ~1988
22452383449047678 ~1988
224524032245240319 ~1990
22453391449067838 ~1988
22453631449072638 ~1988
224539032245390319 ~1990
22453919449078398 ~1988
22454123449082478 ~1988
22454639449092798 ~1988
22454843449096878 ~1988
224555232245552319 ~1990
4.368.158 digits