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Small Mersenne Prime Factors
Prime numbers of the form Mp= 2p − 1 are called Mersenne primes. For Mp to be prime, p must also be prime.
Any factor q of a Mersenne number 2p − 1 must be of the form 2kp + 1, where integer k ≥ 0. Furthermore, q must be 1 or 7 mod 8.
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
229667474134014479 ~1991
22967123459342478 ~1988
22967291459345838 ~1988
22968059459361198 ~1988
22968119459362398 ~1988
22968503459370078 ~1988
22968791459375838 ~1988
22970351459407038 ~1988
22971349147016633710 ~1992
229716475972628239 ~1991
229718411378310479 ~1990
22971853105670523910 ~1992
22971983459439678 ~1988
22972199459443998 ~1988
229728771378372639 ~1990
22972931459458638 ~1988
22973183459463678 ~1988
22974551459491038 ~1988
229746072297460719 ~1990
22974683459493678 ~1988
22974839459496798 ~1988
22974851459497038 ~1988
22974863459497278 ~1988
229752072297520719 ~1990
22975259459505198 ~1988
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
22975391459507838 ~1988
22975679459513598 ~1988
229764615054821439 ~1991
229765331378591999 ~1990
229765392297653919 ~1990
22976711459534238 ~1988
229789931378739599 ~1990
22979039459580798 ~1988
22979471459589438 ~1988
229797531378785199 ~1990
22980371459607438 ~1988
229809771378858639 ~1990
22981379459627598 ~1988
229818371378910239 ~1990
22982111459642238 ~1988
22982171459643438 ~1988
229825797354425299 ~1991
229825811378954879 ~1990
22983071459661438 ~1988
22983143459662878 ~1988
229831931378991599 ~1990
22983203459664078 ~1988
229832511838660099 ~1990
22983563459671278 ~1988
22984103459682078 ~1988
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
22985219459704398 ~1988
22985881165498343310 ~1992
22986251459725038 ~1988
22986443459728878 ~1988
22986923459738478 ~1988
22987091459741838 ~1988
229872531379235199 ~1990
22988291459765838 ~1988
22988783459775678 ~1988
229891931379351599 ~1990
22989371459787438 ~1988
22989419459788398 ~1988
22989623459792478 ~1988
229896979195878819 ~1992
22990091459801838 ~1988
22990139459802798 ~1988
22990151459803038 ~1988
229902371379414239 ~1990
229904531379427199 ~1990
22991051459821038 ~1988
22991219459824398 ~1988
22991399459827998 ~1988
22992803459856078 ~1988
22993079459861598 ~1988
22993319459866398 ~1988
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
22993703459874078 ~1988
22994291459885838 ~1988
22994423459888478 ~1988
22994819459896398 ~1988
22994831459896638 ~1988
22994843459896878 ~1988
229948573679177139 ~1991
229952571379715439 ~1990
22995911459918238 ~1988
22996199459923998 ~1988
22996703459934078 ~1988
22997003459940078 ~1988
22997339459946798 ~1988
22997363459947278 ~1988
229974835979345599 ~1991
22997519459950398 ~1988
229975931379855599 ~1990
229976931379861599 ~1990
22997759459955198 ~1988
22997803147185939310 ~1992
22998383459967678 ~1988
22998779459975598 ~1988
22998803459976078 ~1988
22998971459979438 ~1988
22999859459997198 ~1988
4.368.158 digits