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Small Mersenne Prime Factors
Prime numbers of the form Mp= 2p − 1 are called Mersenne primes. For Mp to be prime, p must also be prime.
Any factor q of a Mersenne number 2p − 1 must be of the form 2kp + 1, where integer k ≥ 0. Furthermore, q must be 1 or 7 mod 8.
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
22937699458753998 ~1988
22938323458766478 ~1988
229383291835066339 ~1990
22938599458771998 ~1988
22938731458774638 ~1988
22939139458782798 ~1988
22939571458791438 ~1988
229397931376387599 ~1990
22939991458799838 ~1988
22940399458807998 ~1988
229404171376425039 ~1990
229404192294041919 ~1990
229404731376428399 ~1990
22940831458816638 ~1988
229409271835274179 ~1990
229410891835287139 ~1990
22941623458832478 ~1988
22941791458835838 ~1988
229418811376512879 ~1990
22942079458841598 ~1988
22942151458843038 ~1988
22942259458845198 ~1988
22942261201891896910 ~1992
229423971376543839 ~1990
22942763458855278 ~1988
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
22943159458863198 ~1988
22943171458863438 ~1988
229439175506540099 ~1991
22944011458880238 ~1988
22944023458880478 ~1988
22944359458887198 ~1988
22944503458890078 ~1988
22944983458899678 ~1988
22945451458909038 ~1988
22945991458919838 ~1988
229461171376767039 ~1990
22946303458926078 ~1988
229463771376782639 ~1990
22946411458928238 ~1988
229474274130536879 ~1991
22947731458954638 ~1988
22948391458967838 ~1988
22948559458971198 ~1988
22948811458976238 ~1988
229492911835943299 ~1990
22949819458996398 ~1988
22950131459002638 ~1988
229502933213041039 ~1991
22950443459008878 ~1988
22950497183603976110 ~1992
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
229506237344199379 ~1991
22950743459014878 ~1988
22951679459033598 ~1988
229517771377106639 ~1990
229518912295189119 ~1990
229521411836171299 ~1990
229526874131483679 ~1991
229527735508665539 ~1991
22952939459058798 ~1988
22954163459083278 ~1988
22954583459091678 ~1988
22955063459101278 ~1988
22955183459103678 ~1988
229555611377333679 ~1990
229559533672952499 ~1991
22955963459119278 ~1988
229561131377366799 ~1990
22956203459124078 ~1988
22956611459132238 ~1988
22956803459136078 ~1988
229579671836637379 ~1990
22958399459167998 ~1988
229587371377524239 ~1990
22959143459182878 ~1988
22959263459185278 ~1988
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
22959383459187678 ~1988
229594571377567439 ~1990
22959479459189598 ~1988
22959539459190798 ~1988
229598237806339839 ~1991
22960079459201598 ~1988
22960403459208078 ~1988
22960439459208798 ~1988
229609371377656239 ~1990
22961303459226078 ~1988
22961363459227278 ~1988
22961579459231598 ~1988
22961651459233038 ~1988
22961723459234478 ~1988
22962341142366514310 ~1992
229628391837027139 ~1990
22963019459260398 ~1988
22963091459261838 ~1988
22963103459262078 ~1988
229633131377798799 ~1990
22963631459272638 ~1988
22964783459295678 ~1988
229649931377899599 ~1990
22966451459329038 ~1988
22966679183733432110 ~1992
4.368.158 digits