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Small Mersenne Prime Factors
Prime numbers of the form Mp= 2p − 1 are called Mersenne primes. For Mp to be prime, p must also be prime.
Any factor q of a Mersenne number 2p − 1 must be of the form 2kp + 1, where integer k ≥ 0. Furthermore, q must be 1 or 7 mod 8.
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
167724916708996419 ~1991
16772663335453278 ~1987
16772711335454238 ~1987
16773299335465998 ~1987
167738571341908579 ~1989
16773863335477278 ~1987
16774679335493598 ~1987
16774799335495998 ~1987
167749217716463679 ~1991
16774931335498638 ~1987
167750931006505599 ~1989
16775399335507998 ~1987
16775483335509678 ~1987
167760771006564639 ~1989
167762171006573039 ~1989
16776491335529838 ~1987
16776731335534638 ~1987
16776839335536798 ~1987
16776899335537998 ~1987
16777259335545198 ~1987
167773811006642879 ~1989
167776011342208099 ~1989
16777643335552878 ~1987
167777511342220099 ~1989
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
16777823335556478 ~1987
167781731006690399 ~1989
16778543335570878 ~1987
16778771335575438 ~1987
167791791342334339 ~1989
16779551335591038 ~1987
16779863335597278 ~1987
167801572349221999 ~1989
16780919335618398 ~1987
16780979335619598 ~1987
167814375034431119 ~1990
16781939335638798 ~1987
16782011335640238 ~1987
167821512685144179 ~1990
167825811006954879 ~1989
16782611335652238 ~1987
16783691335673838 ~1987
16783979335679598 ~1987
167841011007046079 ~1989
167841071678410719 ~1989
16784171335683438 ~1987
16784711335694238 ~1987
16785299335705998 ~1987
16785551335711038 ~1987
16785731335714638 ~1987
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
167860731007164399 ~1989
16786151335723038 ~1987
16786223335724478 ~1987
16786571335731438 ~1987
167866991678669919 ~1989
167867411007204479 ~1989
167871171007227039 ~1989
167882511343060099 ~1989
16788671335773438 ~1987
16788983335779678 ~1987
16789403335788078 ~1987
167900177723407839 ~1991
16790639335812798 ~1987
16791011335820238 ~1987
16791059335821198 ~1987
16791479335829598 ~1987
16792031335840638 ~1987
167920331007521999 ~1989
16792091335841838 ~1987
16792631335852638 ~1987
16794023335880478 ~1987
16794539335890798 ~1987
16794551335891038 ~1987
167946431679464319 ~1989
16794671335893438 ~1987
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
167947971007687839 ~1989
16795463335909278 ~1987
167957411007744479 ~1989
167957591679575919 ~1989
167961611007769679 ~1989
167968693695311199 ~1990
16796999335939998 ~1987
16797239335944798 ~1987
167978711679787119 ~1989
167994591343956739 ~1989
16799759335995198 ~1987
168000591344004739 ~1989
16800083336001678 ~1987
168003411344027299 ~1989
16800359336007198 ~1987
168005692352079679 ~1989
16800779336015598 ~1987
168021798065045939 ~1991
168026593024478639 ~1990
168039371008236239 ~1989
16804019336080398 ~1987
16804451336089038 ~1987
16804523336090478 ~1987
168048611008291679 ~1989
16804871336097438 ~1987
4.368.158 digits