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Small Mersenne Prime Factors
Prime numbers of the form Mp= 2p − 1 are called Mersenne primes. For Mp to be prime, p must also be prime.
Any factor q of a Mersenne number 2p − 1 must be of the form 2kp + 1, where integer k ≥ 0. Furthermore, q must be 1 or 7 mod 8.
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
16804979336099598 ~1987
16805003336100078 ~1987
16805903336118078 ~1987
168061731008370399 ~1989
16808171336163438 ~1987
168084474370196239 ~1990
168088332689413299 ~1990
16809059336181198 ~1987
16810019336200398 ~1987
16810151336203038 ~1987
168103371344826979 ~1989
168104771008628639 ~1989
16810499336209998 ~1987
16811363336227278 ~1987
16811423336228478 ~1987
16811471336229438 ~1987
168115631681156319 ~1989
168121391681213919 ~1989
16812443336248878 ~1987
16812599336251998 ~1987
16812959336259198 ~1987
168130911345047299 ~1989
168132111345056899 ~1989
16813319336266398 ~1987
16813343336266878 ~1987
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
168133731008802399 ~1989
16813691336273838 ~1987
16813859336277198 ~1987
16814111336282238 ~1987
16814279336285598 ~1987
16814381322836115310 ~1992
168144292354020079 ~1989
16814459336289198 ~1987
16815251336305038 ~1987
16815923336318478 ~1987
168164691345317539 ~1989
168166191345329539 ~1989
16816823336336478 ~1987
16816883336337678 ~1987
16816991336339838 ~1987
16817231336344638 ~1987
16817711336354238 ~1987
168182811009096879 ~1989
16818731336374638 ~1987
16818779336375598 ~1987
168189178073080179 ~1991
168192132691074099 ~1990
16819619336392398 ~1987
16819823336396478 ~1987
16819931336398638 ~1987
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
168199674036792099 ~1990
168199818073590899 ~1991
16820099336401998 ~1987
16820351336407038 ~1987
16820411336408238 ~1987
16820483336409678 ~1987
16820579336411598 ~1987
168206771009240639 ~1989
168211971345695779 ~1989
16821683336433678 ~1987
16821719336434398 ~1987
16821839336436798 ~1987
168219532355073439 ~1989
16822199336443998 ~1987
168229094037498179 ~1990
168232491345859939 ~1989
16823459336469198 ~1987
168235791345886339 ~1989
168237732691803699 ~1990
16823783336475678 ~1987
16823903336478078 ~1987
16824023336480478 ~1987
16824179336483598 ~1987
16824191336483838 ~1987
16824239336484798 ~1987
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
16824779336495598 ~1987
16825103336502078 ~1987
168253371009520239 ~1989
168255171009531039 ~1989
16825871336517438 ~1987
168260534038252739 ~1990
16826063336521278 ~1987
16826759336535198 ~1987
168271131009626799 ~1989
168275811346206499 ~1989
16827983336559678 ~1987
168282611009695679 ~1989
16828403336568078 ~1987
16828991336579838 ~1987
168293771009762639 ~1989
16829471336589438 ~1987
16829531336590638 ~1987
16829843336596878 ~1987
16829999336599998 ~1987
16830419336608398 ~1987
168304331009825999 ~1989
16831151336623038 ~1987
16831583336631678 ~1987
168316015386112339 ~1990
16832171336643438 ~1987
4.368.158 digits