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Small Mersenne Prime Factors
Prime numbers of the form Mp= 2p − 1 are called Mersenne primes. For Mp to be prime, p must also be prime.
Any factor q of a Mersenne number 2p − 1 must be of the form 2kp + 1, where integer k ≥ 0. Furthermore, q must be 1 or 7 mod 8.
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
14419571288391438 ~1987
14420291288405838 ~1987
14420501865230078 ~1988
14420891288417838 ~1987
14421059288421198 ~1987
14421419288428398 ~1987
14421443288428878 ~1987
14421611288432238 ~1987
14421881865312878 ~1988
14422151288443038 ~1987
14422571288451438 ~1987
14423639288472798 ~1987
14424383288487678 ~1987
14424671288493438 ~1987
144247132019459839 ~1989
144251211154009699 ~1988
144252894616092499 ~1990
14425343288506878 ~1987
14426003288520078 ~1987
14426101865566078 ~1988
14426381865582878 ~1988
14426663288533278 ~1987
14427191288543838 ~1987
14427443288548878 ~1987
14427503288550078 ~1987
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
14428451288569038 ~1987
14428643288572878 ~1987
14428811288576238 ~1987
144291311442913119 ~1989
14429357158722927110 ~1991
14429537865772238 ~1988
14429879288597598 ~1987
14429881865792878 ~1988
14430191288603838 ~1987
14430599288611998 ~1987
144306411154451299 ~1988
14430863288617278 ~1987
14431199288623998 ~1987
14431409424283424710 ~1992
14431421865885278 ~1988
14431463288629278 ~1987
14431619288632398 ~1987
14431643288632878 ~1987
144323991154591939 ~1988
14432543288650878 ~1987
144325491154603939 ~1988
144330771154646179 ~1988
144331631443316319 ~1989
14433299288665998 ~1987
144334672598024079 ~1989
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
144334916928075699 ~1990
144334991443349919 ~1989
14434163288683278 ~1987
14434463288689278 ~1987
144345292020834079 ~1989
144345493175600799 ~1989
14434559288691198 ~1987
144348171154785379 ~1988
14434859288697198 ~1987
144352213175748639 ~1989
14435381866122878 ~1988
14435783288715678 ~1987
14436001866160078 ~1988
14436083288721678 ~1987
144363297795617679 ~1990
14436361866181678 ~1988
14436491288729838 ~1987
144365092021111279 ~1989
144366471154931779 ~1988
14436659288733198 ~1987
14436671288733438 ~1987
14436683288733678 ~1987
144368338084626499 ~1990
14438579288771598 ~1987
14438663288773278 ~1987
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
14438783288775678 ~1987
14439157866349438 ~1988
14439233866353998 ~1988
14439863288797278 ~1987
14440031288800638 ~1987
14440271288805438 ~1987
14440319288806398 ~1987
144403671155229379 ~1988
14440379288807598 ~1987
14441123288822478 ~1987
14441639288832798 ~1987
14441879288837598 ~1987
14442221866533278 ~1988
144423311444233119 ~1989
14442361866541678 ~1988
144425211155401699 ~1988
14442563288851278 ~1987
14442611288852238 ~1987
14442671288853438 ~1987
144427332310837299 ~1989
14443343288866878 ~1987
14443703288874078 ~1987
14443883288877678 ~1987
14444819288896398 ~1987
14444939288898798 ~1987
4.368.158 digits