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Small Mersenne Prime Factors
Prime numbers of the form Mp= 2p − 1 are called Mersenne primes. For Mp to be prime, p must also be prime.
Any factor q of a Mersenne number 2p − 1 must be of the form 2kp + 1, where integer k ≥ 0. Furthermore, q must be 1 or 7 mod 8.
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
14445131288902638 ~1987
14445251288905038 ~1987
14445317866719038 ~1988
14445923288918478 ~1987
14446199288923998 ~1987
14446297866777838 ~1988
14446643288932878 ~1987
14446777866806638 ~1988
14447099288941998 ~1987
14447159288943198 ~1987
14447341866840478 ~1988
14447351288947038 ~1987
14447651288953038 ~1987
14447663288953278 ~1987
14447711288954238 ~1987
14447759288955198 ~1987
144478371155826979 ~1988
14448101866886078 ~1988
144481994912387679 ~1990
14448461866907678 ~1988
14448491288969838 ~1987
14448719288974398 ~1987
14449271288985438 ~1987
14449781866986878 ~1988
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
14450699289013998 ~1987
14450879289017598 ~1987
14451119289022398 ~1987
14451121867067278 ~1988
144511492023160879 ~1989
14451491289029838 ~1987
14451551289031038 ~1987
144517094335512719 ~1990
14451779289035598 ~1987
144523371156186979 ~1988
14452391289047838 ~1987
14452421867145278 ~1988
14452583289051678 ~1987
14452733297726299910 ~1992
14452979289059598 ~1987
14453497867209838 ~1988
144535071156280579 ~1988
14453531289070638 ~1987
14453903289078078 ~1987
14455163289103278 ~1987
14455223289104478 ~1987
144552892023740479 ~1989
14455297867317838 ~1988
14455319289106398 ~1987
14455631289112638 ~1987
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
14455643289112878 ~1987
144560334336809919 ~1990
14456303289126078 ~1987
14456423289128478 ~1987
14456639289132798 ~1987
144568031445680319 ~1989
144568332313093299 ~1989
144572112313153779 ~1989
14457257867435438 ~1988
14457323289146478 ~1987
14457791289155838 ~1987
14457959289159198 ~1987
14458319289166398 ~1987
14458331289166638 ~1987
14458883289177678 ~1987
14459411289188238 ~1987
14459699289193998 ~1987
14459723289194478 ~1987
14459771289195438 ~1987
144599471445994719 ~1989
14460359289207198 ~1987
14460373867622398 ~1988
14460431289208638 ~1987
14460503289210078 ~1987
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
14461703289234078 ~1987
14461757867705438 ~1988
144618291156946339 ~1988
144618791446187919 ~1989
144624732313995699 ~1989
144627133471051139 ~1990
14462813147520692710 ~1991
14463131289262638 ~1987
14463539289270798 ~1987
14464223289284478 ~1987
14464403289288078 ~1987
144646991446469919 ~1989
144647873760844639 ~1990
14464829208293537710 ~1991
14465603289312078 ~1987
14465831289316638 ~1987
14465879289317598 ~1987
14466019937398031310 ~1993
14466131289322638 ~1987
144662991157303939 ~1988
14466383289327678 ~1987
14466503289330078 ~1987
14466899289337998 ~1987
14467381868042878 ~1988
14467811289356238 ~1987
4.368.158 digits