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Small Mersenne Prime Factors
Prime numbers of the form Mp= 2p − 1 are called Mersenne primes. For Mp to be prime, p must also be prime.
Any factor q of a Mersenne number 2p − 1 must be of the form 2kp + 1, where integer k ≥ 0. Furthermore, q must be 1 or 7 mod 8.
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
139222994733581679 ~1990
13922663278453278 ~1987
139227438910555539 ~1990
139229391113835139 ~1988
13922963278459278 ~1987
13923023278460478 ~1987
13923083278461678 ~1987
13923361835401678 ~1988
13923863278477278 ~1987
13923913835434798 ~1988
13924019278480398 ~1987
13924583278491678 ~1987
139252791114022339 ~1988
13925441835526478 ~1988
13925459278509198 ~1987
13925531278510638 ~1987
13925783278515678 ~1987
13926299278525998 ~1987
13926337835580238 ~1988
13926491278529838 ~1987
13927079278541598 ~1987
139271872506893679 ~1989
13927619278552398 ~1987
13928399278567998 ~1987
13928477835708638 ~1988
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
13928597835715838 ~1988
13928633835717998 ~1988
13928723278574478 ~1987
13928891278577838 ~1987
139290791392907919 ~1988
13930381835822878 ~1988
139306491114451939 ~1988
13930883278617678 ~1987
13931003278620078 ~1987
13931117835867038 ~1988
13931461835887678 ~1988
13931783278635678 ~1987
13931843278636878 ~1987
13932293835937598 ~1988
13932533835951998 ~1988
13932601835956078 ~1988
13932797835967838 ~1988
13932839278656798 ~1987
13933301835998078 ~1988
13933343278666878 ~1987
13933739278674798 ~1987
13933919278678398 ~1987
13934051278681038 ~1987
13934243278684878 ~1987
13934351278687038 ~1987
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
13934759278695198 ~1987
13934801836088078 ~1988
139354191114833539 ~1988
13935611278712238 ~1987
13935697836141838 ~1988
139357316967865519 ~1990
13936259278725198 ~1987
13936477836188638 ~1988
13936619278732398 ~1987
13937017836221038 ~1988
139371531951201439 ~1989
139372914459933139 ~1990
13937411278748238 ~1987
13937699278753998 ~1987
13938053836283198 ~1988
139381631393816319 ~1988
13939223278784478 ~1987
13939463278789278 ~1987
139396371115170979 ~1988
139401771951624799 ~1989
13940519278810398 ~1987
13940639278812798 ~1987
139410771115286179 ~1988
13941143278822878 ~1987
13941743278834878 ~1987
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
139418691115349539 ~1988
13942871278857438 ~1987
13943483278869678 ~1987
13943603278872078 ~1987
13944193836651598 ~1988
13944323278886478 ~1987
13944503278890078 ~1987
13944659278893198 ~1987
13944839278896798 ~1987
13944863278897278 ~1987
13945643278912878 ~1987
139460871115686979 ~1988
13946279278925598 ~1987
13946771278935438 ~1987
13946819278936398 ~1987
13946903278938078 ~1987
13946963278939278 ~1987
13947971278959438 ~1987
13948139278962798 ~1987
13948919278978398 ~1987
13949003278980078 ~1987
139491471115931779 ~1988
13949423278988478 ~1987
13949951278999038 ~1987
13950119279002398 ~1987
4.368.158 digits