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Small Mersenne Prime Factors
Prime numbers of the form Mp= 2p − 1 are called Mersenne primes. For Mp to be prime, p must also be prime.
Any factor q of a Mersenne number 2p − 1 must be of the form 2kp + 1, where integer k ≥ 0. Furthermore, q must be 1 or 7 mod 8.
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
13901183278023678 ~1987
13901999278039998 ~1987
13902431278048638 ~1987
139026073336625699 ~1989
13902893834173598 ~1988
13902961834177678 ~1988
13903139278062798 ~1987
13903163278063278 ~1987
139033491112267939 ~1988
13903451278069038 ~1987
13903583278071678 ~1987
13903621834217278 ~1988
139036971112295779 ~1988
13903979278079598 ~1987
13904003278080078 ~1987
13904123278082478 ~1987
13904591278091838 ~1987
13904837834290238 ~1988
13904843278096878 ~1987
13904939278098798 ~1987
13905299278105998 ~1987
13905401111243208110 ~1991
139054279177581839 ~1990
13905491278109838 ~1987
139061691112493539 ~1988
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
13906393834383598 ~1988
13906439278128798 ~1987
13906757834405438 ~1988
13906777834406638 ~1988
13906859278137198 ~1987
13907219278144398 ~1987
13907471267023443310 ~1992
13907903278158078 ~1987
13908137834488238 ~1988
139082776675972979 ~1990
139086072503549279 ~1989
13909019278180398 ~1987
139091571112732579 ~1988
13909211278184238 ~1987
139093271390932719 ~1988
13909631278192638 ~1987
13909633834577998 ~1988
13909717834583038 ~1988
13909991278199838 ~1987
13910051278201038 ~1987
13910161834609678 ~1988
139105311112842499 ~1988
13910579278211598 ~1987
139109211112873699 ~1988
13911071278221438 ~1987
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
13911119278222398 ~1987
13911539278230798 ~1987
13911581834694878 ~1988
13911659278233198 ~1987
139123872504229679 ~1989
13912763278255278 ~1987
13912991278259838 ~1987
13913219278264398 ~1987
13913891278277838 ~1987
13914233834853998 ~1988
13914371278287438 ~1987
13914503278290078 ~1987
13914683278293678 ~1987
139150071113200579 ~1988
13915211278304238 ~1987
13915463278309278 ~1987
13916053834963198 ~1988
139164291948300079 ~1989
13916459278329198 ~1987
13916543278330878 ~1987
13917437835046238 ~1988
13917479278349598 ~1987
13917503278350078 ~1987
13917779278355598 ~1987
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
139179891948518479 ~1989
13918199278363998 ~1987
13918403278368078 ~1987
13918451278369038 ~1987
13918511278370238 ~1987
13918871278377438 ~1987
13919051278381038 ~1987
13919123278382478 ~1987
13919291278385838 ~1987
13919351278387038 ~1987
13919963278399278 ~1987
13920143278402878 ~1987
13920323278406478 ~1987
13920743278414878 ~1987
13920877835252638 ~1988
13921031278420638 ~1987
13921163278423278 ~1987
13921331278426638 ~1987
13921403278428078 ~1987
139214232227427699 ~1989
13921559278431198 ~1987
13921571278431438 ~1987
13921717835303038 ~1988
13921783114158620710 ~1991
13922159278443198 ~1987
4.368.158 digits