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Small Mersenne Prime Factors
Prime numbers of the form Mp= 2p − 1 are called Mersenne primes. For Mp to be prime, p must also be prime.
Any factor q of a Mersenne number 2p − 1 must be of the form 2kp + 1, where integer k ≥ 0. Furthermore, q must be 1 or 7 mod 8.
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
140916771127334179 ~1988
14091697845501838 ~1988
140918091127344739 ~1988
14091923281838478 ~1987
14092979281859598 ~1987
14095043281900878 ~1987
140951711409517119 ~1988
14095181845710878 ~1988
14095517845731038 ~1988
14095583281911678 ~1987
14095799281915998 ~1987
14095811281916238 ~1987
14096399281927998 ~1987
14097179281943598 ~1987
14097383281947678 ~1987
140974971127799779 ~1988
14097623281952478 ~1987
14097659281953198 ~1987
14097719281954398 ~1987
14098081845884878 ~1988
14098439281968798 ~1987
14098751281975038 ~1987
14098811281976238 ~1987
14099243281984878 ~1987
140994671409946719 ~1988
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
14099639281992798 ~1987
14099831281996638 ~1987
14099857845991438 ~1988
14100143282002878 ~1987
14100419282008398 ~1987
14100503282010078 ~1987
14100659282013198 ~1987
14100731282014638 ~1987
14101019282020398 ~1987
14101319282026398 ~1987
14101331282026638 ~1987
14101343282026878 ~1987
14101883282037678 ~1987
14102111282042238 ~1987
14102591282051838 ~1987
14102723282054478 ~1987
141028271410282719 ~1988
141032811128262499 ~1988
14103983282079678 ~1987
14104361846261678 ~1988
14104379282087598 ~1987
14104381846262878 ~1988
141046371128370979 ~1988
14104703282094078 ~1987
14105051282101038 ~1987
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
14105519282110398 ~1987
14105603282112078 ~1987
141058873385412899 ~1989
14106143282122878 ~1987
14106359282127198 ~1987
14106551282131038 ~1987
141067131974939839 ~1989
14106899282137998 ~1987
14107559282151198 ~1987
14107799282155998 ~1987
14107871282157438 ~1987
14108153846489198 ~1988
141084173386020099 ~1989
14108663282173278 ~1987
141090791410907919 ~1988
14109383282187678 ~1987
14109503282190078 ~1987
14109671282193438 ~1987
141098112257569779 ~1989
14110163112881304110 ~1991
14110259282205198 ~1987
14110319282206398 ~1987
14110451282209038 ~1987
14110919282218398 ~1987
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
14111183282223678 ~1987
14111771282235438 ~1987
14112011282240238 ~1987
14112911282258238 ~1987
14112971282259438 ~1987
14113439282268798 ~1987
141136071129088579 ~1988
14113733846823998 ~1988
14113871282277438 ~1987
141141891129135139 ~1988
141145212258323379 ~1989
14115011282300238 ~1987
14115539282310798 ~1987
14115719282314398 ~1987
14115743282314878 ~1987
141158111411581119 ~1988
141163391411633919 ~1988
14117039282340798 ~1987
141170931976393039 ~1989
14117111282342238 ~1987
14117219282344398 ~1987
14117639282352798 ~1987
14117783282355678 ~1987
14118371282367438 ~1987
14118479282369598 ~1987
4.234.620 digits