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Small Mersenne Prime Factors
Prime numbers of the form Mp= 2p − 1 are called Mersenne primes. For Mp to be prime, p must also be prime.
Any factor q of a Mersenne number 2p − 1 must be of the form 2kp + 1, where integer k ≥ 0. Furthermore, q must be 1 or 7 mod 8.
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
13682699273653998 ~1987
13682843273656878 ~1987
13682891273657838 ~1987
13683119273662398 ~1987
13683179273663598 ~1987
136834073284017699 ~1989
13683731273674638 ~1987
13684093821045598 ~1988
13684523273690478 ~1987
136847871094782979 ~1988
136852011094816099 ~1988
13685363273707278 ~1987
13685783273715678 ~1987
13686131273722638 ~1987
13686191273723838 ~1987
13686371273727438 ~1987
13686383273727678 ~1987
13686443273728878 ~1987
13686839273736798 ~1987
13686971273739438 ~1987
13686983273739678 ~1987
13687081821224878 ~1988
13687211273744238 ~1987
136874831368748319 ~1988
136880271095042179 ~1988
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
13688099273761998 ~1987
13688399273767998 ~1987
13688651273773038 ~1987
136888673559105439 ~1989
13688879273777598 ~1987
13688963273779278 ~1987
13689359273787198 ~1987
136895871095166979 ~1988
13689719273794398 ~1987
136897793285546979 ~1989
13689911273798238 ~1987
13690139273802798 ~1987
13690337821420238 ~1988
136906311095250499 ~1988
136912871369128719 ~1988
13691737821504238 ~1988
13692641821558478 ~1988
136927191095417539 ~1988
13692851273857038 ~1987
13693391273867838 ~1987
13693523273870478 ~1987
136939872464917679 ~1989
13694099273881998 ~1987
136942213012728639 ~1989
136946271095570179 ~1988
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
13695413821724798 ~1988
13695431273908638 ~1987
13695791273915838 ~1987
13695911273918238 ~1987
13696043273920878 ~1987
13696273821776398 ~1988
13696703273934078 ~1987
13697003273940078 ~1987
136973231369732319 ~1988
13697471273949438 ~1987
13698011273960238 ~1987
13698143273962878 ~1987
13698263273965278 ~1987
13698341821900478 ~1988
13699457821967438 ~1988
13699997821999838 ~1988
13700399274007998 ~1987
137007111096056899 ~1988
13700723274014478 ~1987
137015871096126979 ~1988
137016192466291439 ~1989
13701959274039198 ~1987
13702151274043038 ~1987
137022771096182179 ~1988
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
13702379274047598 ~1987
13702397822143838 ~1988
13702597822155838 ~1988
13702763274055278 ~1987
13703279274065598 ~1987
137036591370365919 ~1988
13703771274075438 ~1987
13704137822248238 ~1988
13704191274083838 ~1987
13704479274089598 ~1987
13704563274091278 ~1987
137047396578274739 ~1990
13704923274098478 ~1987
13705511274110238 ~1987
13705739274114798 ~1987
13705753822345198 ~1988
13706219274124398 ~1987
137062271370622719 ~1988
137062911096503299 ~1988
13706663274133278 ~1987
13706753822405198 ~1988
13706783274135678 ~1987
13707191274143838 ~1987
13707359274147198 ~1987
13707539274150798 ~1987
4.368.158 digits