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Small Mersenne Prime Factors
Prime numbers of the form Mp= 2p − 1 are called Mersenne primes. For Mp to be prime, p must also be prime.
Any factor q of a Mersenne number 2p − 1 must be of the form 2kp + 1, where integer k ≥ 0. Furthermore, q must be 1 or 7 mod 8.
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
12488051249761038 ~1986
12488087999046978 ~1988
12488159249763198 ~1986
12488279249765598 ~1986
12488711249774238 ~1986
12488831249776638 ~1986
12489083249781678 ~1986
12489241749354478 ~1988
12489359249787198 ~1986
12489443249788878 ~1986
12489473749368398 ~1988
12489527999162178 ~1988
124897511248975119 ~1988
12489863249797278 ~1986
12490031249800638 ~1986
12490273177361876710 ~1991
12490433749425998 ~1988
124904471249044719 ~1988
12490463249809278 ~1986
12490559249811198 ~1986
12490823249816478 ~1986
124909692997832579 ~1989
124913332997919939 ~1989
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
12491351249827038 ~1986
12491819249836398 ~1986
12492131249842638 ~1986
12492257999380578 ~1988
124923431249234319 ~1988
12492743249854878 ~1986
12493049999443938 ~1988
12493259249865198 ~1986
12493499999479938 ~1988
124937118995471939 ~1990
12494411249888238 ~1986
12494857749691438 ~1988
12494893749693598 ~1988
12495779249915598 ~1986
12495971249919438 ~1986
12496529999722338 ~1988
12496867349912276110 ~1992
12496871249937438 ~1986
12497339249946798 ~1986
12497417999793378 ~1988
12497783249955678 ~1986
12497951249959038 ~1986
12498191249963838 ~1986
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
12498443249968878 ~1986
12498793749927598 ~1988
12498877749932638 ~1988
12499057749943438 ~1988
12499079249981598 ~1986
12499211249984238 ~1986
12499271249985438 ~1986
12499439249988798 ~1986
12499523249990478 ~1986
12499631249992638 ~1986
12500227150002724110 ~1991
12501623250032478 ~1986
12501899250037998 ~1986
12502079250041598 ~1986
12502153750129198 ~1988
12502643250052878 ~1986
12502943250058878 ~1986
12503723250074478 ~1986
12503759250075198 ~1986
125042636252131519 ~1990
12504923250098478 ~1986
125049291750690079 ~1988
125050391250503919 ~1988
12505151250103038 ~1986
12505331250106638 ~1986
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
12505631250112638 ~1986
12505637750338238 ~1988
12505763250115278 ~1986
125059039004250179 ~1990
125062332000997299 ~1989
125063831250638319 ~1988
12506771250135438 ~1986
125071971751007599 ~1988
12507251250145038 ~1986
125074491000595939 ~1988
12508361750501678 ~1988
12508703250174078 ~1986
12508823250176478 ~1986
12508943250178878 ~1986
12509279250185598 ~1986
12509291250185838 ~1986
12509363250187278 ~1986
125093772001500339 ~1989
125095791000766339 ~1988
12509699250193998 ~1986
12510517750631038 ~1988
12510937750656238 ~1988
12511199250223998 ~1986
125112077256500079 ~1990
4.234.620 digits