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Small Mersenne Prime Factors
Prime numbers of the form Mp= 2p − 1 are called Mersenne primes. For Mp to be prime, p must also be prime.
Any factor q of a Mersenne number 2p − 1 must be of the form 2kp + 1, where integer k ≥ 0. Furthermore, q must be 1 or 7 mod 8.
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
11716811234336238 ~1986
11716979234339598 ~1986
117170093749442899 ~1989
11717099234341998 ~1986
11717333703039998 ~1987
11717351234347038 ~1986
117178375624561779 ~1990
11717921112492041710 ~1990
11717933703075998 ~1987
11717999234359998 ~1986
11718857703131438 ~1987
11719223234384478 ~1986
11719619234392398 ~1986
11719753703185198 ~1987
11719781703186878 ~1987
117201192812828579 ~1989
11720399234407998 ~1986
11720591234411838 ~1986
11720603234412078 ~1986
117206471172064719 ~1988
11721371234427438 ~1986
11721779234435598 ~1986
11721791234435838 ~1986
117218112109925999 ~1988
11722331937786498 ~1988
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
11722391234447838 ~1986
11722499234449998 ~1986
11722643234452878 ~1986
11722871234457438 ~1986
11723903234478078 ~1986
11723977703438638 ~1987
11724239234484798 ~1986
11724599234491998 ~1986
117247313751913939 ~1989
11724941937995298 ~1988
11725151234503038 ~1986
11725379234507598 ~1986
11725391234507838 ~1986
11725463234509278 ~1986
117255071172550719 ~1988
11725739234514798 ~1986
11725823234516478 ~1986
11725943234518878 ~1986
11726531234530638 ~1986
11726717938137378 ~1988
11726783234535678 ~1986
11726843234536878 ~1986
11727011234540238 ~1986
11727143234542878 ~1986
11727323234546478 ~1986
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
11727791938223298 ~1988
11727899234557998 ~1986
117279174456608479 ~1989
11728021703681278 ~1987
117283913049381679 ~1989
11728523234570478 ~1986
11728883234577678 ~1986
11729351938348098 ~1988
11729699234593998 ~1986
11729843234596878 ~1986
11730001703800078 ~1987
11730083234601678 ~1986
11730457703827438 ~1987
11731091234621838 ~1986
11731211234624238 ~1986
11731339105582051110 ~1990
11731451234629038 ~1986
11731763234635278 ~1986
11732411234648238 ~1986
11732639234652798 ~1986
11732951234659038 ~1986
11733083234661678 ~1986
11733191234663838 ~1986
117341572816197699 ~1989
11734453704067198 ~1987
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
11734469938757538 ~1988
11734511234690238 ~1986
11734559234691198 ~1986
11735039234700798 ~1986
11735051234701038 ~1986
11735237938818978 ~1988
11735651234713038 ~1986
11735723234714478 ~1986
117357671173576719 ~1988
11736071234721438 ~1986
11736143234722878 ~1986
117361991173619919 ~1988
11736497704189838 ~1987
11736779234735598 ~1986
11737709939016738 ~1988
11738339234766798 ~1986
117386593991144079 ~1989
11738761704325678 ~1987
11739241704354478 ~1987
11739971234799438 ~1986
11740199234803998 ~1986
117404513756944339 ~1989
11740559234811198 ~1986
11740739939259138 ~1988
4.234.620 digits