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Small Mersenne Prime Factors
Prime numbers of the form Mp= 2p − 1 are called Mersenne primes. For Mp to be prime, p must also be prime.
Any factor q of a Mersenne number 2p − 1 must be of the form 2kp + 1, where integer k ≥ 0. Furthermore, q must be 1 or 7 mod 8.
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
11821673709300398 ~1987
11822177709330638 ~1987
11822663236453278 ~1986
11823011236460238 ~1986
11823241709394478 ~1987
11823401709404078 ~1987
11823419236468398 ~1986
118236133547083919 ~1989
11823881709432878 ~1987
11824079236481598 ~1986
118245299223132639 ~1990
11824577945966178 ~1988
11824717709483038 ~1987
11824997517934868710 ~1992
11825113709506798 ~1987
11825171236503438 ~1986
11826239236524798 ~1986
11826433709585998 ~1987
11827007946160578 ~1988
118275472128958479 ~1989
118275797569650579 ~1990
118276877806273439 ~1990
11827703236554078 ~1986
11827741709664478 ~1987
11827841709670478 ~1987
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
118278431182784319 ~1988
11827943236558878 ~1986
11828111236562238 ~1986
11828171236563438 ~1986
11828423236568478 ~1986
118287671182876719 ~1988
118287713075480479 ~1989
11828933709735998 ~1987
11829563236591278 ~1986
11829731236594638 ~1986
11829743236594878 ~1986
118298933548967919 ~1989
11830163236603278 ~1986
11830337946426978 ~1988
118305311183053119 ~1988
11830631946450498 ~1988
11830991236619838 ~1986
11831483236629678 ~1986
11831951236639038 ~1986
11832071236641438 ~1986
11832083236641678 ~1986
118323493549704719 ~1989
11832923236658478 ~1986
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
11833259236665198 ~1986
11833403236668078 ~1986
118336916626866979 ~1990
11833777710026638 ~1987
11834101710046078 ~1987
11834519236690398 ~1986
11834951236699038 ~1986
11835251236705038 ~1986
11835359236707198 ~1986
11835539236710798 ~1986
11836763236735278 ~1986
11836991236739838 ~1986
11837051236741038 ~1986
118371296392049679 ~1990
118373513077711279 ~1989
11837747947019778 ~1988
11838017710281038 ~1987
118380671183806719 ~1988
11838503236770078 ~1986
11838839236776798 ~1986
11840183236803678 ~1986
11840303236806078 ~1986
11840711236814238 ~1986
11841083236821678 ~1986
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
11841311236826238 ~1986
118414491657802879 ~1988
11841701710502078 ~1987
11842163236843278 ~1986
11842393710543598 ~1987
118425772842218499 ~1989
118430534737221219 ~1989
11843057710583438 ~1987
11843207947456578 ~1988
11843291236865838 ~1986
11843399236867998 ~1986
11843453710607198 ~1987
11843879236877598 ~1986
11844541710672478 ~1987
11844851236897038 ~1986
11845259236905198 ~1986
11845271236905438 ~1986
11845343236906878 ~1986
11846099236921998 ~1986
11846183236923678 ~1986
11846363236927278 ~1986
11846651236933038 ~1986
11846657947732578 ~1988
11847119236942398 ~1986
11847263236945278 ~1986
4.368.158 digits