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Small Mersenne Prime Factors
Prime numbers of the form Mp= 2p − 1 are called Mersenne primes. For Mp to be prime, p must also be prime.
Any factor q of a Mersenne number 2p − 1 must be of the form 2kp + 1, where integer k ≥ 0. Furthermore, q must be 1 or 7 mod 8.
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
11801063236021278 ~1986
11801453708087198 ~1987
11801759236035198 ~1986
11802191944175298 ~1988
118022471888359539 ~1988
11802257708135438 ~1987
11802359236047198 ~1986
11802443236048878 ~1986
11802457708147438 ~1987
11802503236050078 ~1986
11802671236053438 ~1986
11802803236056078 ~1986
11803067944245378 ~1988
118033271180332719 ~1988
11803523236070478 ~1986
11803619236072398 ~1986
11803931236078638 ~1986
11804113708246798 ~1987
11804183236083678 ~1986
11804603236092078 ~1986
11804759236095198 ~1986
11804861944388898 ~1988
11804917708295038 ~1987
11805119236102398 ~1986
11805461708327678 ~1987
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
11805863236117278 ~1986
11805887944470978 ~1988
11805971236119438 ~1986
11806139236122798 ~1986
11806357708381438 ~1987
11806499236129998 ~1986
11807039236140798 ~1986
11807561708453678 ~1987
11807591236151838 ~1986
11807723236154478 ~1986
11807891944631298 ~1988
118080191180801919 ~1988
118082634959470479 ~1989
11808299236165998 ~1986
11809043236180878 ~1986
11809103236182078 ~1986
11809151236183038 ~1986
11809163236183278 ~1986
118093792834250979 ~1989
11809571236191438 ~1986
118096872125743679 ~1989
11809717708583038 ~1987
11809943236198878 ~1986
11810171236203438 ~1986
118105271181052719 ~1988
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
11810999236219998 ~1986
118110891653552479 ~1988
118113431181134319 ~1988
11811419236228398 ~1986
11811479236229598 ~1986
11811697708701838 ~1987
11811887944950978 ~1988
11812343236246878 ~1986
11812403236248078 ~1986
11812631236252638 ~1986
11812919236258398 ~1986
11812991236259838 ~1986
11813303236266078 ~1986
11813441708806478 ~1987
11814119236282398 ~1986
11814251236285038 ~1986
118142776379709599 ~1990
11814449945155938 ~1988
11814623236292478 ~1986
11815103236302078 ~1986
11815129252843760710 ~1991
11815313708918798 ~1987
11815337945226978 ~1988
118155132599412879 ~1989
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
11815597708935838 ~1987
11815621708937278 ~1987
118160294726411619 ~1989
118162792126930239 ~1989
11816353708981198 ~1987
11816531236330638 ~1986
11816771236335438 ~1986
11817191236343838 ~1986
118175172836204099 ~1989
11817863236357278 ~1986
11817937709076238 ~1987
11818091236361838 ~1986
11818139236362798 ~1986
11818211236364238 ~1986
11818229945458338 ~1988
118184411890950579 ~1988
11818511236370238 ~1986
11818847945507778 ~1988
118189991181899919 ~1988
11819321709159278 ~1987
11819519236390398 ~1986
11819891236397838 ~1986
11820239236404798 ~1986
11821031236420638 ~1986
4.368.158 digits