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Small Mersenne Prime Factors
Prime numbers of the form Mp= 2p − 1 are called Mersenne primes. For Mp to be prime, p must also be prime.
Any factor q of a Mersenne number 2p − 1 must be of the form 2kp + 1, where integer k ≥ 0. Furthermore, q must be 1 or 7 mod 8.
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
109277471092774719 ~1988
10927811218556238 ~1986
10927919218558398 ~1986
10928531218570638 ~1986
109288031748608499 ~1988
10928843218576878 ~1986
109290419398975279 ~1990
109290431092904319 ~1988
10929089874327138 ~1987
109290911092909119 ~1988
10929179874334338 ~1987
10929371218587438 ~1986
10929599218591998 ~1986
10929637419698060910 ~1992
109306276339763679 ~1990
109306871748909939 ~1988
10931411218628238 ~1986
10931471874517698 ~1987
10931513655890798 ~1987
10932203218644078 ~1986
10932503218650078 ~1986
10933271218665438 ~1986
10933451218669038 ~1986
10933597656015838 ~1987
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
10934141874731298 ~1987
10934593656075598 ~1987
10934939218698798 ~1986
109350311968305599 ~1988
10935299218705998 ~1986
10935517656131038 ~1987
109355936123932099 ~1989
10935713656142798 ~1987
10935761656145678 ~1987
10935863218717278 ~1986
109359371749749939 ~1988
10936199218723998 ~1986
10936223218724478 ~1986
10936259218725198 ~1986
10936283218725678 ~1986
10936487874918978 ~1987
109365791093657919 ~1988
10937039218740798 ~1986
10937099218741998 ~1986
10937183218743678 ~1986
10937639218752798 ~1986
10938023218760478 ~1986
10938839218776798 ~1986
10939081656344878 ~1987
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
10939139218782798 ~1986
10939163218783278 ~1986
109393631093936319 ~1988
10939739218794798 ~1986
10939871218797438 ~1986
10939979218799598 ~1986
10940063218801278 ~1986
109401311969223599 ~1988
10940159218803198 ~1986
10940297656417838 ~1987
10941179218823598 ~1986
109412111094121119 ~1988
10941653656499198 ~1987
10941719218834398 ~1986
10942391218847838 ~1986
10942703218854078 ~1986
10942979218859598 ~1986
109429991969739839 ~1988
10943099218861998 ~1986
10943111218862238 ~1986
10943171218863438 ~1986
10943501875480098 ~1987
10943617656617038 ~1987
10944299218885998 ~1986
10944611218892238 ~1986
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
10944743218894878 ~1986
10944911218898238 ~1986
10945211218904238 ~1986
10945439218908798 ~1986
10945559218911198 ~1986
10945721656743278 ~1987
10945741656744478 ~1987
10945799218915998 ~1986
109459271094592719 ~1988
109461539413691599 ~1990
10946399218927998 ~1986
10946557656793438 ~1987
10946843218936878 ~1986
10946879218937598 ~1986
10947311875784898 ~1987
10947791218955838 ~1986
10948367875869378 ~1987
10948439218968798 ~1986
10948499218969998 ~1986
10948643218972878 ~1986
10948823218976478 ~1986
10949137656948238 ~1987
10949303218986078 ~1986
10949579218991598 ~1986
10949639218992798 ~1986
4.368.158 digits