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Small Mersenne Prime Factors
Prime numbers of the form Mp= 2p − 1 are called Mersenne primes. For Mp to be prime, p must also be prime.
Any factor q of a Mersenne number 2p − 1 must be of the form 2kp + 1, where integer k ≥ 0. Furthermore, q must be 1 or 7 mod 8.
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
12423407993872578 ~1988
12423563248471278 ~1986
12423623248472478 ~1986
12423731248474638 ~1986
124238336957346499 ~1990
12424019248480398 ~1986
12424031248480638 ~1986
12424343248486878 ~1986
124246278200253839 ~1990
12424799248495998 ~1986
12424931248498638 ~1986
124250533727515919 ~1989
12425293745517598 ~1988
12425573745534398 ~1988
12425663248513278 ~1986
12425711248514238 ~1986
12425771248515438 ~1986
12425951248519038 ~1986
12426119248522398 ~1986
12426517745591038 ~1988
12426839248536798 ~1986
124269018947368739 ~1990
12427117745627038 ~1988
12427991248559838 ~1986
12428243248564878 ~1986
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
12428519248570398 ~1986
12428711248574238 ~1986
12428723248574478 ~1986
12428771248575438 ~1986
12429383248587678 ~1986
12429503248590078 ~1986
12429551248591038 ~1986
12429563248591278 ~1986
12430079248601598 ~1986
12430331248606638 ~1986
12430343248606878 ~1986
124304899695781439 ~1990
12430703248614078 ~1986
12431533745891998 ~1988
124315972983583299 ~1989
12431701745902078 ~1988
12432011248640238 ~1986
12432071248641438 ~1986
12432569994605538 ~1988
12432713745962798 ~1988
12432961745977678 ~1988
12432971248659438 ~1986
12433021745981278 ~1988
12433331248666638 ~1986
12433541994683298 ~1988
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
12433763248675278 ~1986
12434003248680078 ~1986
12434039248680798 ~1986
12434231248684638 ~1986
12434351248687038 ~1986
12434711994776898 ~1988
12434777746086638 ~1988
12434843248696878 ~1986
12435431248708638 ~1986
124357391243573919 ~1988
12435971248719438 ~1986
12436043248720878 ~1986
124368292984838979 ~1989
12437441994995298 ~1988
12437459248749198 ~1986
12437471248749438 ~1986
12437651248753038 ~1986
12437969995037538 ~1988
12438121746287278 ~1988
124382694726542239 ~1989
124383012736426239 ~1989
12438659248773198 ~1986
12438683248773678 ~1986
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
12439439248788798 ~1986
12439643248792878 ~1986
124397831243978319 ~1988
12440221746413278 ~1988
12440471248809438 ~1986
12440741746444478 ~1988
12440819248816398 ~1986
124408512239353199 ~1989
12440873746452398 ~1988
12440993746459598 ~1988
12441179248823598 ~1986
12441311995304898 ~1988
12441419248828398 ~1986
12442043248840878 ~1986
12442343248846878 ~1986
12442553746553198 ~1988
12442883248857678 ~1986
124429391244293919 ~1988
124431911244319119 ~1988
12443591248871838 ~1986
124437893733136719 ~1989
12443999248879998 ~1986
12444163530121343910 ~1992
12444251248885038 ~1986
12444611248892238 ~1986
4.368.158 digits