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Small Mersenne Prime Factors
Prime numbers of the form Mp= 2p − 1 are called Mersenne primes. For Mp to be prime, p must also be prime.
Any factor q of a Mersenne number 2p − 1 must be of the form 2kp + 1, where integer k ≥ 0. Furthermore, q must be 1 or 7 mod 8.
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
10200959204019198 ~1986
10201361122416332110 ~1990
10201403204028078 ~1986
10201463204029278 ~1986
10201931204038638 ~1986
10202063204041278 ~1986
10202453612147198 ~1987
10202603204052078 ~1986
10202651204053038 ~1986
10202831204056638 ~1986
10202963204059278 ~1986
10203071204061438 ~1986
102032514285365439 ~1989
10203659204073198 ~1986
10203839204076798 ~1986
102038831020388319 ~1987
10204151204083038 ~1986
10204319204086398 ~1986
10204391204087838 ~1986
10204979204099598 ~1986
10205411204108238 ~1986
10205963204119278 ~1986
10206299204125998 ~1986
10206323204126478 ~1986
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
102064913266077139 ~1989
10206803204136078 ~1986
10207271204145438 ~1986
10207621612457278 ~1987
10207979204159598 ~1986
102083231020832319 ~1987
102085073015592967911 ~1993
10208963204179278 ~1986
10209119204182398 ~1986
10209233612553998 ~1987
102094391837699039 ~1988
102098037351058179 ~1990
10209863204197278 ~1986
10209971204199438 ~1986
10210103204202078 ~1986
10210283204205678 ~1986
10210691204213838 ~1986
10210841612650478 ~1987
10210859204217198 ~1986
10210883204217678 ~1986
10211039204220798 ~1986
10211171204223438 ~1986
10211699204233998 ~1986
10211783204235678 ~1986
10211819204236398 ~1986
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
102119471633911539 ~1988
10211953612717198 ~1987
102119597352610499 ~1990
10212131204242638 ~1986
10212491204249838 ~1986
10212617817009378 ~1987
10212659204253198 ~1986
10212791204255838 ~1986
10213361161371103910 ~1990
10213501612810078 ~1987
10213559204271198 ~1986
10213691204273838 ~1986
10213799204275998 ~1986
10214111204282238 ~1986
10214279204285598 ~1986
10214411204288238 ~1986
10214579817166338 ~1987
10215251204305038 ~1986
10215503204310078 ~1986
10215671204313438 ~1986
10215923204318478 ~1986
10216621612997278 ~1987
10216691204333838 ~1986
102167999195119119 ~1990
102172391021723919 ~1987
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
10217351204347038 ~1986
102174771430446799 ~1988
10217579204351598 ~1986
10217653613059198 ~1987
10217723204354478 ~1986
10218311204366238 ~1986
10218431204368638 ~1986
10218449817475938 ~1987
10218757613125438 ~1987
10218899204377998 ~1986
10219117613147038 ~1987
102192111839457999 ~1988
102192175722761539 ~1989
10219277817542178 ~1987
10219379817550338 ~1987
102195911021959119 ~1987
10219883204397678 ~1986
10220053613203198 ~1987
10220101613206078 ~1987
10220159204403198 ~1986
10220351204407038 ~1986
10220471204409438 ~1986
10221461613287678 ~1987
10221863204437278 ~1986
10221901613314078 ~1987
4.368.158 digits