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Small Mersenne Prime Factors
Prime numbers of the form Mp= 2p − 1 are called Mersenne primes. For Mp to be prime, p must also be prime.
Any factor q of a Mersenne number 2p − 1 must be of the form 2kp + 1, where integer k ≥ 0. Furthermore, q must be 1 or 7 mod 8.
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
11615843232316878 ~1986
11616119232322398 ~1986
11616383232327678 ~1986
11616551232331038 ~1986
11616601696996078 ~1987
116166974646678819 ~1989
11616959929356738 ~1988
11617357697041438 ~1987
116174513020537279 ~1989
11617751232355038 ~1986
11617799232355998 ~1986
11617811232356238 ~1986
11618303232366078 ~1986
11618543232370878 ~1986
11618591232371838 ~1986
11619353146403847910 ~1991
11619479232389598 ~1986
11619539232390798 ~1986
11619599232391998 ~1986
11620211232404238 ~1986
11620391232407838 ~1986
11620397697223838 ~1987
11620513697230798 ~1987
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
11620643232412878 ~1986
116207117669669279 ~1990
11620853697251198 ~1987
11621339232426798 ~1986
11621399232427998 ~1986
11621437697286238 ~1987
11621639929731138 ~1988
11621921697315278 ~1987
11622323232446478 ~1986
11622419929793538 ~1988
11622563232451278 ~1986
11622833697369998 ~1987
11622839232456798 ~1986
11623321697399278 ~1987
11623379232467598 ~1986
11623561697413678 ~1987
11623583232471678 ~1986
11623739232474798 ~1986
11623873697432398 ~1987
116239192789740579 ~1989
11624051232481038 ~1986
11624111232482238 ~1986
11624213697452798 ~1987
11624573697474398 ~1987
11624699232493998 ~1986
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
11624843232496878 ~1986
11625023232500478 ~1986
11625431232508638 ~1986
11625479232509598 ~1986
116258513022721279 ~1989
11625863232517278 ~1986
116259311860148979 ~1988
11626073697564398 ~1987
11626091232521838 ~1986
11626403232528078 ~1986
116266731430080779111 ~1993
11626781697606878 ~1987
116275491627856879 ~1988
11627663232553278 ~1986
116277292790654979 ~1989
11628371232567438 ~1986
11628569930285538 ~1988
11628761697725678 ~1987
11629259232585198 ~1986
11629469288410831310 ~1991
11630233697813998 ~1987
11630243232604878 ~1986
11630491123283204710 ~1990
116309471163094719 ~1988
11631161697869678 ~1987
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
11631833697909998 ~1987
116318992093741839 ~1988
116325714885679839 ~1989
11632619232652398 ~1986
116330771861292339 ~1988
11633093697985598 ~1987
11633231930658498 ~1988
11633351232667038 ~1986
116335132792043139 ~1989
11633591232671838 ~1986
11633603232672078 ~1986
11633617698017038 ~1987
11633663232673278 ~1986
11633879232677598 ~1986
116338932559456479 ~1989
11634071232681438 ~1986
11634773232695460110 ~1991
11634793698087598 ~1987
11634901698094078 ~1987
11634911232698238 ~1986
11635139232702798 ~1986
11635297528242483910 ~1992
116353633956023439 ~1989
11635439232708798 ~1986
11635691232713838 ~1986
4.368.158 digits