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Small Mersenne Prime Factors
Prime numbers of the form Mp= 2p − 1 are called Mersenne primes. For Mp to be prime, p must also be prime.
Any factor q of a Mersenne number 2p − 1 must be of the form 2kp + 1, where integer k ≥ 0. Furthermore, q must be 1 or 7 mod 8.
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
11226899224537998 ~1986
11226959224539198 ~1986
11227037898162978 ~1987
11227283224545678 ~1986
11227319224546398 ~1986
11228051224561038 ~1986
11228233673693998 ~1987
11228873673732398 ~1987
11228879224577598 ~1986
11228881673732878 ~1987
11229143224582878 ~1986
11229563224591278 ~1986
11229791224595838 ~1986
11230343224606878 ~1986
112306991123069919 ~1988
11230799224615998 ~1986
11231039898483138 ~1987
11231639224632798 ~1986
11231723224634478 ~1986
112322599884387939 ~1990
11232409161746689710 ~1991
11232863224657278 ~1986
11233031224660638 ~1986
11233091224661838 ~1986
11233093673985598 ~1987
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
112330991123309919 ~1988
11233169898653538 ~1987
11233331224666638 ~1986
112333731572672239 ~1988
112337231123372319 ~1988
112338375167565039 ~1989
11234159224683198 ~1986
11234351224687038 ~1986
11234651224693038 ~1986
112349415168072879 ~1989
11234999224699998 ~1986
11235131224702638 ~1986
11235239224704798 ~1986
11235863224717278 ~1986
112367774494710819 ~1989
11237003224740078 ~1986
11237279224745598 ~1986
11237591224751838 ~1986
11237651224753038 ~1986
11237783224755678 ~1986
112380791123807919 ~1988
11238203224764078 ~1986
11238737674324238 ~1987
112387493371624719 ~1989
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
11239271224785438 ~1986
11239691224793838 ~1986
11239933674395998 ~1987
11239967899197378 ~1987
11239979899198338 ~1987
112400572697613699 ~1989
112402092472845999 ~1989
11240423224808478 ~1986
11240483224809678 ~1986
112406177868431919 ~1990
11240639224812798 ~1986
11240687899254978 ~1987
11240819224816398 ~1986
11241053674463198 ~1987
11241071899285698 ~1987
11241203224824078 ~1986
11241239224824798 ~1986
11241383224827678 ~1986
112418591124185919 ~1988
11241959224839198 ~1986
11242163224843278 ~1986
11242481674548878 ~1987
112425492698211779 ~1989
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
11242589899407138 ~1987
11242619899409538 ~1987
11242717674563038 ~1987
11242993674579598 ~1987
11242997674579838 ~1987
11243051224861038 ~1986
112430872023755679 ~1988
112432992023793839 ~1988
112435931798974899 ~1988
11243641674618478 ~1987
11243651224873038 ~1986
11243663224873278 ~1986
11243759224875198 ~1986
11243891224877838 ~1986
11244071224881438 ~1986
11244419224888398 ~1986
11245523224910478 ~1986
11245991224919838 ~1986
11246413674784798 ~1987
11246941674816478 ~1987
112472112024497999 ~1988
11247503224950078 ~1986
112478093374342719 ~1989
112479792024636239 ~1988
11248043224960878 ~1986
4.368.158 digits