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Small Mersenne Prime Factors
Prime numbers of the form Mp= 2p − 1 are called Mersenne primes. For Mp to be prime, p must also be prime.
Any factor q of a Mersenne number 2p − 1 must be of the form 2kp + 1, where integer k ≥ 0. Furthermore, q must be 1 or 7 mod 8.
Exp. Prime Factor Digits Year
9534023190680478 ~1985
9534179190683598 ~1985
9534221572053278 ~1987
9534491190689838 ~1985
9534731762778498 ~1987
9534923190698478 ~1985
95354691334965679 ~1988
9535979190719598 ~1985
9536399190727998 ~1985
95365096103365779 ~1989
9536531190730638 ~1985
9536753572205198 ~1987
9536771190735438 ~1985
9536831762946498 ~1987
9536903190738078 ~1985
9537023190740478 ~1985
9537371190747438 ~1985
95375514005771439 ~1989
9537611190752238 ~1985
9537793572267598 ~1987
95378093624367439 ~1989
9538099953809918 ~1987
9538121572287278 ~1987
9538757572325438 ~1987
95389131335447839 ~1988
Exp. Prime Factor Digits Year
9539017572341038 ~1987
9539087763126978 ~1987
9539143953914318 ~1987
95392692098639199 ~1988
9539279190785598 ~1985
9539483190789678 ~1985
95395311717115599 ~1988
9539681572380878 ~1987
9539801572388078 ~1987
9539891190797838 ~1985
95399931335599039 ~1988
9540121572407278 ~1987
95401271526420339 ~1988
9540263190805278 ~1985
9540437572426238 ~1987
9540523954052318 ~1987
9540911190818238 ~1985
9541009112583906310 ~1990
9541177572470638 ~1987
9541241572474478 ~1987
9541271190825438 ~1985
9541577572494638 ~1987
9541901572514078 ~1987
9542003190840078 ~1985
Exp. Prime Factor Digits Year
9542051190841038 ~1985
9542257572535438 ~1987
9542441572546478 ~1987
9542557572553438 ~1987
9543113572586798 ~1987
9543251190865038 ~1985
9543311190866238 ~1985
9543517572611038 ~1987
9543623190872478 ~1985
9544019190880398 ~1985
9544343190886878 ~1985
9544439190888798 ~1985
9544499190889998 ~1985
9544571190891438 ~1985
9544679190893598 ~1985
9544739190894798 ~1985
9545051190901038 ~1985
9545077572704638 ~1987
9545093572705598 ~1987
9545171190903438 ~1985
9545351190907038 ~1985
9545513572730798 ~1987
95455631527290099 ~1988
9545933572755998 ~1987
Exp. Prime Factor Digits Year
9546041763683298 ~1987
9546431190928638 ~1985
9546479190929598 ~1985
9546497572789838 ~1987
9546599190931998 ~1985
9546611763728898 ~1987
9546737763738978 ~1987
9546893572813598 ~1987
9547019190940398 ~1985
9547151190943038 ~1985
95472711718508799 ~1988
9547477572848638 ~1987
9547511190950238 ~1985
9547621572857278 ~1987
9547799190955998 ~1985
95479271527668339 ~1988
9548417572905038 ~1987
9548579190971598 ~1985
9548597572915838 ~1987
9548603190972078 ~1985
9548677572920638 ~1987
9549101763928098 ~1987
9549383190987678 ~1985
9549539190990798 ~1985
95496291336948079 ~1988
4.368.158 digits