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Small Mersenne Prime Factors
Prime numbers of the form Mp= 2p − 1 are called Mersenne primes. For Mp to be prime, p must also be prime.
Any factor q of a Mersenne number 2p − 1 must be of the form 2kp + 1, where integer k ≥ 0. Furthermore, q must be 1 or 7 mod 8.
Exp. Prime Factor Digits Year
9513923190278478 ~1985
9513937570836238 ~1987
9514073570844398 ~1987
95141518562735919 ~1990
95145531332037439 ~1988
9514643190292878 ~1985
9514691190293838 ~1985
9514859190297198 ~1985
95148911712680399 ~1988
9514919190298398 ~1985
9515069761205538 ~1987
9515459190309198 ~1985
9515531190310638 ~1985
9515593570935598 ~1987
9515659951565918 ~1987
9515873570952398 ~1987
9516281570976878 ~1987
9516443190328878 ~1985
9516673571000398 ~1987
9517381571042878 ~1987
9517439190348798 ~1985
9517691190353838 ~1985
95177594568524339 ~1989
9518071951807118 ~1987
9518219190364398 ~1985
Exp. Prime Factor Digits Year
9518339190366798 ~1985
9518471190369438 ~1985
95184771332586799 ~1988
9519179190383598 ~1985
9519203190384078 ~1985
9519481571168878 ~1987
9519557571173438 ~1987
95199432284786339 ~1988
9520037571202238 ~1987
95200617616048819 ~1989
9520559190411198 ~1985
9520747952074718 ~1987
9520939952093918 ~1987
9521051190421038 ~1985
9521279190425598 ~1985
9521297571277838 ~1987
95215692285176579 ~1988
9521723190434478 ~1985
9521851952185118 ~1987
9522113571326798 ~1987
9522119190442398 ~1985
9522203190444078 ~1985
9522361571341678 ~1987
9522523952252318 ~1987
Exp. Prime Factor Digits Year
9522791190455838 ~1985
9522871952287118 ~1987
9523001571380078 ~1987
9523139761851138 ~1987
9523181571390878 ~1987
9523229761858338 ~1987
9523271190465438 ~1985
95239032285736739 ~1988
9524261571455678 ~1987
9524279761942338 ~1987
9524363190487278 ~1985
9524447190488940110 ~1990
9524591190491838 ~1985
95249877048490399 ~1989
9525077571504638 ~1987
9525371190507438 ~1985
9525563190511278 ~1985
9525871952587118 ~1987
9526259190525198 ~1985
9526271190525438 ~1985
9526403190528078 ~1985
9526841571610478 ~1987
95269973620258879 ~1989
9527101571626078 ~1987
9527213571632798 ~1987
Exp. Prime Factor Digits Year
9527311952731118 ~1987
9527977571678638 ~1987
9528059190561198 ~1985
9528719190574398 ~1985
9528797571727838 ~1987
9529823190596478 ~1985
9529907762392578 ~1987
95300833240228239 ~1988
95302212096648639 ~1988
95305811524892979 ~1988
9531097571865838 ~1987
9531187953118718 ~1987
95312331334372639 ~1988
9531413571884798 ~1987
9531419190628398 ~1985
95317271715710879 ~1988
9531737571904238 ~1987
9532331190646638 ~1985
9532823190656478 ~1985
95329791715936239 ~1988
95331794003935199 ~1989
9533333571999998 ~1987
9533453572007198 ~1987
9533599953359918 ~1987
9533819190676398 ~1985
4.368.158 digits