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Small Mersenne Prime Factors
Prime numbers of the form Mp= 2p − 1 are called Mersenne primes. For Mp to be prime, p must also be prime.
Any factor q of a Mersenne number 2p − 1 must be of the form 2kp + 1, where integer k ≥ 0. Furthermore, q must be 1 or 7 mod 8.
Exp. Prime Factor Digits Year
8911379178227598 ~1985
8911453534687198 ~1986
8911607712928578 ~1987
8911631178232638 ~1985
8911781534706878 ~1986
8911997534719838 ~1986
8912053534723198 ~1986
8912219178244398 ~1985
8912279178245598 ~1985
8912399178247998 ~1985
8912537713002978 ~1987
8912591178251838 ~1985
8912741534764478 ~1986
8912999178259998 ~1985
8913119178262398 ~1985
8913161534789678 ~1986
8913187891318718 ~1987
89134031426144499 ~1987
8913539178270798 ~1985
8913563178271278 ~1985
8913791178275838 ~1985
8913901534834078 ~1986
8913917534835038 ~1986
8913923178278478 ~1985
8914319178286398 ~1985
Exp. Prime Factor Digits Year
8914331178286638 ~1985
8914583178291678 ~1985
8914799178295998 ~1985
8915177534910638 ~1986
8915213534912798 ~1986
8915411178308238 ~1985
8915591178311838 ~1985
8915999178319998 ~1985
8916641534998478 ~1986
8916779178335598 ~1985
8916839178336798 ~1985
8916911713352898 ~1987
8916923178338478 ~1985
8917679178353598 ~1985
8917691178353838 ~1985
8917697535061838 ~1986
8917763178355278 ~1985
8917871178357438 ~1985
8917963891796318 ~1987
8918407891840718 ~1987
8918639178372798 ~1985
8918891178377838 ~1985
8919191178383838 ~1985
8919277535156638 ~1986
8919299178385998 ~1985
Exp. Prime Factor Digits Year
8919539178390798 ~1985
8919899178397998 ~1985
8919959328254491310 ~1991
8920679178413598 ~1985
8921123178422478 ~1985
89212072141089699 ~1988
8921249713699938 ~1987
8921441535286478 ~1986
8921663178433278 ~1985
8921761535305678 ~1986
8921771178435438 ~1985
8922107713768578 ~1987
8922233535333998 ~1986
8922257713780578 ~1987
89223131427570099 ~1987
8922377713790178 ~1987
8922443178448878 ~1985
89224491249142879 ~1987
8922601535356078 ~1986
8922659178453198 ~1985
89228691249201679 ~1987
8923073535384398 ~1986
89232671606188079 ~1988
8923357535401438 ~1986
8923639892363918 ~1987
Exp. Prime Factor Digits Year
89238072141713699 ~1988
8923991178479838 ~1985
8924011892401118 ~1987
89243092855778899 ~1988
8924411178488238 ~1985
8924579178491598 ~1985
8924701535482078 ~1986
8925047714003778 ~1987
8925131178502638 ~1985
8925181535510878 ~1986
8925419178508398 ~1985
89255572142133699 ~1988
8925599178511998 ~1985
8925797535547838 ~1986
8925803178516078 ~1985
8925977535558638 ~1986
8926061714084898 ~1987
8926331178526638 ~1985
8927341535640478 ~1986
8927441535646478 ~1986
89274892678246719 ~1988
8927813535668798 ~1986
8927833535669998 ~1986
8928131178562638 ~1985
8928173535690398 ~1986
4.368.158 digits