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Small Mersenne Prime Factors
Prime numbers of the form Mp= 2p − 1 are called Mersenne primes. For Mp to be prime, p must also be prime.
Any factor q of a Mersenne number 2p − 1 must be of the form 2kp + 1, where integer k ≥ 0. Furthermore, q must be 1 or 7 mod 8.
Exp. Prime Factor Digits Year
8394539167890798 ~1985
8394613503676798 ~1986
8394803167896078 ~1985
8394983167899678 ~1985
8395043167900878 ~1985
8395061503703678 ~1986
8395097503705838 ~1986
8395133503707998 ~1986
8395151167903038 ~1985
8395319167906398 ~1985
8395351839535118 ~1987
8395741503744478 ~1986
8395811167916238 ~1985
8395951839595118 ~1987
8395997671679778 ~1986
8396039167920798 ~1985
8396281503776878 ~1986
8396413503784798 ~1986
8396761503805678 ~1986
83967791511420239 ~1987
8396819671745538 ~1986
8396953503817198 ~1986
8397079839707918 ~1987
8397217503833038 ~1986
8397353503841198 ~1986
Exp. Prime Factor Digits Year
8398393503903598 ~1986
8398619167972398 ~1985
8398633503917998 ~1986
8398757503925438 ~1986
8398913503934798 ~1986
8399057503943438 ~1986
8399107839910718 ~1987
8399401503964078 ~1986
8399621503977278 ~1986
8399773503986398 ~1986
8400011168000238 ~1985
8400061504003678 ~1986
8400317672025378 ~1987
8400593504035598 ~1986
8400731672058498 ~1987
8401117504067038 ~1986
8401637504098238 ~1986
8401741504104478 ~1986
84018071344289139 ~1987
8401901672152098 ~1987
8402111168042238 ~1985
8402183168043678 ~1985
8402497504149838 ~1986
84026291848578399 ~1988
8402803840280318 ~1987
Exp. Prime Factor Digits Year
8402951168059038 ~1985
8402969672237538 ~1987
84030671512552079 ~1987
8403179168063598 ~1985
84032172016772099 ~1988
8403337504200238 ~1986
8403599168071998 ~1985
8403959168079198 ~1985
8404283168085678 ~1985
8404553504273198 ~1986
8404703168094078 ~1985
84048191512867439 ~1987
8405003168100078 ~1985
8405219168104398 ~1985
8405393504323598 ~1986
8405711168114238 ~1985
8405843168116878 ~1985
84062872017508899 ~1988
84063672017528099 ~1988
8406479168129598 ~1985
8406773504406398 ~1986
8406817504409038 ~1986
8407331168146638 ~1985
Exp. Prime Factor Digits Year
8407757672620578 ~1987
8407957504477438 ~1986
8408111168162238 ~1985
8408237504494238 ~1986
8408297504497838 ~1986
8408663168173278 ~1985
8409239168184798 ~1985
8409491168189838 ~1985
8409671168193438 ~1985
8409719672777538 ~1987
8410079168201598 ~1985
8410139672811138 ~1987
8410151168203038 ~1985
84103971177455599 ~1987
8410537504632238 ~1986
8410679168213598 ~1985
8410691168213838 ~1985
8410739672859138 ~1987
8410793504647598 ~1986
8410799168215998 ~1985
8410859168217198 ~1985
8410943168218878 ~1985
8410991168219838 ~1985
8411071841107118 ~1987
4.368.158 digits