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Small Mersenne Prime Factors
Prime numbers of the form Mp= 2p − 1 are called Mersenne primes. For Mp to be prime, p must also be prime.
Any factor q of a Mersenne number 2p − 1 must be of the form 2kp + 1, where integer k ≥ 0. Furthermore, q must be 1 or 7 mod 8.
Exp. Prime Factor Digits Year
8616599172331998 ~1985
8616719172334398 ~1985
8617211172344238 ~1985
86173732757559379 ~1988
8617391172347838 ~1985
8618063172361278 ~1985
86182511378920179 ~1987
8618591172371838 ~1985
8618639172372798 ~1985
8618699172373998 ~1985
8618783172375678 ~1985
8618893517133598 ~1986
86190677584778979 ~1989
8619077517144638 ~1986
8619421517165278 ~1986
8619431172388638 ~1985
8619683172393678 ~1985
8619791172395838 ~1985
8621051172421038 ~1985
8621147689691778 ~1987
8621339172426798 ~1985
86215511551879199 ~1987
8621773517306398 ~1986
8621939689755138 ~1987
8621983862198318 ~1987
Exp. Prime Factor Digits Year
8622011172440238 ~1985
8622023172440478 ~1985
8622359172447198 ~1985
8622611172452238 ~1985
8622793517367598 ~1986
8622923172458478 ~1985
8622959172459198 ~1985
86230192069524579 ~1988
8623031172460638 ~1985
8623319172466398 ~1985
8623523172470478 ~1985
8623799689903938 ~1987
8624129689930338 ~1987
8624201517452078 ~1986
86246332069911939 ~1988
8624773517486398 ~1986
8624921689993698 ~1987
8625077517504638 ~1986
8625131172502638 ~1985
8625173517510398 ~1986
8625203172504078 ~1985
8625359172507198 ~1985
8625521517531278 ~1986
8625959172519198 ~1985
8625973517558398 ~1986
Exp. Prime Factor Digits Year
8626043172520878 ~1985
86266031380256499 ~1987
8626621517597278 ~1986
8626823172536478 ~1985
8626831862683118 ~1987
8627351690188098 ~1987
8627357517641438 ~1986
8627533517651998 ~1986
8627603172552078 ~1985
8627639172552798 ~1985
8627813517668798 ~1986
8627903172558078 ~1985
8628131172562638 ~1985
86281491207940879 ~1987
86286772070882499 ~1988
86287731208028239 ~1987
8628923172578478 ~1985
8629139172582798 ~1985
8629739172594798 ~1985
8629763172595278 ~1985
8629813517788798 ~1986
8630177517810638 ~1986
8630243172604878 ~1985
8630519172610398 ~1985
Exp. Prime Factor Digits Year
8630591172611838 ~1985
8630641517838478 ~1986
8631017517861038 ~1986
8631251172625038 ~1985
8631599172631998 ~1985
8631851172637038 ~1985
8632081517924878 ~1986
8632139172642798 ~1985
8632223172644478 ~1985
86322971381167539 ~1987
8632391172647838 ~1985
86324512244437279 ~1988
8632457690596578 ~1987
86324891899147599 ~1988
8632901690632098 ~1987
8632979172659598 ~1985
8633063172661278 ~1985
86331891208646479 ~1987
8633231172664638 ~1985
8633363172667278 ~1985
8633377518002638 ~1986
8633711172674238 ~1985
8633921518035278 ~1986
8634077518044638 ~1986
8634371172687438 ~1985
4.368.158 digits