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Small Mersenne Prime Factors
Prime numbers of the form Mp= 2p − 1 are called Mersenne primes. For Mp to be prime, p must also be prime.
Any factor q of a Mersenne number 2p − 1 must be of the form 2kp + 1, where integer k ≥ 0. Furthermore, q must be 1 or 7 mod 8.
Exp. Prime Factor Digits Year
78231431251702899 ~1987
7823239782323918 ~1986
7823279156465598 ~1985
7823603156472078 ~1985
7823759156475198 ~1985
7823951625916098 ~1986
7824107625928578 ~1986
7824203156484078 ~1985
7824277469456638 ~1986
7824497469469838 ~1986
78246733599349599 ~1988
7824731625978498 ~1986
7824923156498478 ~1985
7825327782532718 ~1986
7825421626033698 ~1986
7825619156512398 ~1985
7825943156518878 ~1985
7826047782604718 ~1986
7826101469566078 ~1986
7826183156523678 ~1985
78266538413651975111 ~1994
7826699156533998 ~1985
7826807626144578 ~1986
7827299156545998 ~1985
Exp. Prime Factor Digits Year
7827637469658238 ~1986
7827719156554398 ~1985
78280331722167279 ~1987
7828283156565678 ~1985
7828511156570238 ~1985
7828559626284738 ~1986
7828939782893918 ~1986
7829051156581038 ~1985
7829219156584398 ~1985
7829351156587038 ~1985
7829573469774398 ~1986
7829593469775598 ~1986
7829603156592078 ~1985
7829617469777038 ~1986
7829917469795038 ~1986
7830157469809438 ~1986
78302711252843379 ~1987
7830371626429698 ~1986
7830457469827438 ~1986
7830503156610078 ~1985
7830611156612238 ~1985
7830671156613438 ~1985
7830731156614638 ~1985
7830973469858398 ~1986
7831079156621598 ~1985
Exp. Prime Factor Digits Year
78311635795060639 ~1989
7831283156625678 ~1985
78313871253021939 ~1987
78315174385649539 ~1988
7831559156631198 ~1985
78315671253050739 ~1987
7832939156658798 ~1985
7832999156659998 ~1985
7833827626706178 ~1986
7833851156677038 ~1985
7834111783411118 ~1987
7834279783427918 ~1987
7834313470058798 ~1986
78344291880262979 ~1987
7834903783490318 ~1987
7835021626801698 ~1986
7835741470144478 ~1986
7836299156725998 ~1985
7836971156739438 ~1985
7837091626967298 ~1986
7837517470251038 ~1986
7837883156757678 ~1985
7837981470278878 ~1986
7838321627065698 ~1986
78386871410963679 ~1987
Exp. Prime Factor Digits Year
7838879156777598 ~1985
7838893470333598 ~1986
7839121470347278 ~1986
7839131156782638 ~1985
7839263156785278 ~1985
7839479156789598 ~1985
7839493470369598 ~1986
78395111411111999 ~1987
7839641470378478 ~1986
7839719156794398 ~1985
7840271156805438 ~1985
7840439156808798 ~1985
7840523156810478 ~1985
7840691156813838 ~1985
7841219627297538 ~1986
78416771254668339 ~1987
7841759627340738 ~1986
78420311254724979 ~1987
7842119156842398 ~1985
7842533470551998 ~1986
7842713470562798 ~1986
7843271156865438 ~1985
7843331156866638 ~1985
7843343156866878 ~1985
7843439627475138 ~1986
4.368.158 digits