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Small Mersenne Prime Factors
Prime numbers of the form Mp= 2p − 1 are called Mersenne primes. For Mp to be prime, p must also be prime.
Any factor q of a Mersenne number 2p − 1 must be of the form 2kp + 1, where integer k ≥ 0. Furthermore, q must be 1 or 7 mod 8.
Exp. Prime Factor Digits Year
78436091725593999 ~1987
7843657470619438 ~1986
7843679156873598 ~1985
7843763156875278 ~1985
7843799156875998 ~1985
7843861470631678 ~1986
7844183156883678 ~1985
7844393470663598 ~1986
78446711412040799 ~1987
7844833470689998 ~1986
78449571098293999 ~1987
7845011156900238 ~1985
7845059156901198 ~1985
7845137470708238 ~1986
7845269627621538 ~1986
78453291098346079 ~1987
7845413470724798 ~1986
78454371098361199 ~1987
7845671156913438 ~1985
7845899627671938 ~1986
7846463156929278 ~1985
7846523156930478 ~1985
7846739156934798 ~1985
78467572354027119 ~1988
7846763156935278 ~1985
Exp. Prime Factor Digits Year
78467993295655599 ~1988
7847039156940798 ~1985
7847051627764098 ~1986
78474071883377699 ~1987
7847507627800578 ~1986
7847579627806338 ~1986
7847633470857998 ~1986
7847699156953998 ~1985
7848251156965038 ~1985
7848601470916078 ~1986
78487492354624719 ~1988
78489435023323539 ~1988
7849031156980638 ~1985
7849351784935118 ~1987
7849811156996238 ~1985
7850411157008238 ~1985
7850891157017838 ~1985
7850963157019278 ~1985
7851113471066798 ~1986
78512931099181039 ~1987
7851359157027198 ~1985
78514571256233139 ~1987
7851461471087678 ~1986
7851653471099198 ~1986
Exp. Prime Factor Digits Year
7851719157034398 ~1985
7852063102076819110 ~1989
78521291727468399 ~1987
7852309174321259910 ~1990
7852319157046398 ~1985
78525431884610339 ~1987
7852571157051438 ~1985
7852721471163278 ~1986
7852877471172638 ~1986
7852931157058638 ~1985
7853101471186078 ~1986
7853399157067998 ~1985
78534911413628399 ~1987
7853597471215838 ~1986
78537731256603699 ~1987
7854023157080478 ~1985
7854577471274638 ~1986
78545891728009599 ~1987
7854683157093678 ~1985
78547731099668239 ~1987
7854797251353504110 ~1990
7855091157101838 ~1985
78550971099713599 ~1987
7855163157103278 ~1985
7855223157104478 ~1985
Exp. Prime Factor Digits Year
7855517471331038 ~1986
7855537471332238 ~1986
7855583157111678 ~1985
7855613471336798 ~1986
7855633471337998 ~1986
7855697628455778 ~1986
7855871157117438 ~1985
7856039157120798 ~1985
7856197471371838 ~1986
7856591157131838 ~1985
7856759157135198 ~1985
7856819157136398 ~1985
7856963157139278 ~1985
7857263157145278 ~1985
7857271347291378310 ~1991
7857359157147198 ~1985
7857401471444078 ~1986
7857719157154398 ~1985
7858211628656898 ~1986
7858223157164478 ~1985
78582374243447999 ~1988
7858427628674178 ~1986
7858453117876795110 ~1989
4.368.158 digits