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Small Mersenne Prime Factors
Prime numbers of the form Mp= 2p − 1 are called Mersenne primes. For Mp to be prime, p must also be prime.
Any factor q of a Mersenne number 2p − 1 must be of the form 2kp + 1, where integer k ≥ 0. Furthermore, q must be 1 or 7 mod 8.
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
466751594667515919 ~1993
466758311008197949711 ~1996
46676159933523198 ~1991
46676603933532078 ~1991
46677671933553438 ~1991
46680383933607678 ~1991
466813332800879999 ~1992
46681403933628078 ~1991
466816812800900879 ~1992
46681751933635038 ~1991
466826114668261119 ~1993
46685819933716398 ~1991
46688903933778078 ~1991
46689719933794398 ~1991
46690439933808798 ~1991
46690499933809998 ~1991
46690691933813838 ~1991
46691699933833998 ~1991
46692263933845278 ~1991
46692839933856798 ~1991
466954013735632099 ~1992
46696379933927598 ~1991
46696631933932638 ~1991
466966518405397199 ~1993
466972572801835439 ~1992
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
46698251933965038 ~1991
466995713735965699 ~1992
46699979933999598 ~1991
46702511934050238 ~1991
46703093513734023110 ~1995
46703831934076638 ~1991
46704419934088398 ~1991
467046773736374179 ~1992
46707191934143838 ~1991
46708391934167838 ~1991
46708619112100685710 ~1994
46710011934200238 ~1991
46710899934217998 ~1991
46711103934222078 ~1991
46711811934236238 ~1991
46713599149483516910 ~1994
46714439934288798 ~1991
46714463934289278 ~1991
46716443934328878 ~1991
46717313140151939110 ~1994
46717799934355998 ~1991
467182514671825119 ~1993
467185212803111279 ~1992
467186273737490179 ~1992
467190172803141039 ~1992
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
46719251934385038 ~1991
467202293737618339 ~1992
46720391934407838 ~1991
46720631934412638 ~1991
46722191934443838 ~1991
467232194672321919 ~1993
46724077214930754310 ~1994
46724159934483198 ~1991
46725251934505038 ~1991
46725671934513438 ~1991
46727171934543438 ~1991
467289732803738399 ~1992
467304137476866099 ~1993
467313132803878799 ~1992
467315237477043699 ~1993
46736099934721998 ~1991
467364893738919139 ~1992
46737503934750078 ~1991
467378936543305039 ~1993
46737923934758478 ~1991
46738799934775998 ~1991
46739279934785598 ~1991
467400132804400799 ~1992
46741031934820638 ~1991
46742123934842478 ~1991
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
46742183934843678 ~1991
46742963934859278 ~1991
46743023934860478 ~1991
46743503934870078 ~1991
467447398414053039 ~1993
46744871934897438 ~1991
46746443934928878 ~1991
467476012804856079 ~1992
46747763934955278 ~1991
46749539934990798 ~1991
46750031935000638 ~1991
467514012805084079 ~1992
46751983196358328710 ~1994
46752059935041198 ~1991
46752467224411841710 ~1994
46753139935062798 ~1991
46754759935095198 ~1991
46755011935100238 ~1991
467564212805385279 ~1992
46756823935136478 ~1991
467575612805453679 ~1992
467591212805547279 ~1992
467620572805723439 ~1992
46762379935247598 ~1991
46763063935261278 ~1991
4.368.158 digits