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Small Mersenne Prime Factors
Prime numbers of the form Mp= 2p − 1 are called Mersenne primes. For Mp to be prime, p must also be prime.
Any factor q of a Mersenne number 2p − 1 must be of the form 2kp + 1, where integer k ≥ 0. Furthermore, q must be 1 or 7 mod 8.
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
532119711064239439 ~1991
532131831064263679 ~1991
532156911064313839 ~1991
532165431064330879 ~1991
532171213193027279 ~1992
532196595321965919 ~1993
532203711064407439 ~1991
532230831064461679 ~1991
532231933193391599 ~1992
532237074257896579 ~1993
532237613193425679 ~1992
532259991064519999 ~1991
532268631064537279 ~1991
532308231064616479 ~1991
532325511064651039 ~1991
532333911064667839 ~1991
532357791064715599 ~1991
532366431064732879 ~1991
532377591064755199 ~1991
532406391064812799 ~1991
532425231064850479 ~1991
532428591064857199 ~1991
53243153457891115910 ~1995
532437594259500739 ~1993
532449435324494319 ~1993
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
53248253543132180710 ~1995
532484773194908639 ~1992
532492213194953279 ~1992
53249467851991472110 ~1996
532502991065005999 ~1991
532530591065061199 ~1991
53253649287569704710 ~1995
532541391065082799 ~1991
532541814260334499 ~1993
532543494260347939 ~1993
532553991065107999 ~1991
532593831065187679 ~1991
532596111065192239 ~1991
532611711065223439 ~1991
532623111065246239 ~1991
53262323138482039910 ~1994
532624311065248639 ~1991
532650111065300239 ~1991
532657911065315839 ~1991
532667991065335999 ~1991
532677591065355199 ~1991
532685879588345679 ~1994
532687311065374639 ~1991
532700991065401999 ~1991
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
532737231065474479 ~1991
532746199589431439 ~1994
532759191065518399 ~1991
532783613196701679 ~1992
532785231065570479 ~1991
532789311065578639 ~1991
532799031065598079 ~1991
532812231065624479 ~1991
532817173196903039 ~1992
532835631065671279 ~1991
532836915328369119 ~1993
532845733197074399 ~1992
532847391065694799 ~1991
532849373197096239 ~1992
532857831065715679 ~1991
53286209159858627110 ~1994
53287361586160971110 ~1996
532883511065767039 ~1991
532900635329006319 ~1993
53290513213162052110 ~1994
532907991065815999 ~1991
532910874263286979 ~1993
532911675329116719 ~1993
532919631065839279 ~1991
532934631065869279 ~1991
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
532952511065905039 ~1991
532965591065931199 ~1991
532969791065939599 ~1991
532972638527562099 ~1994
532975137461651839 ~1993
532978791065957599 ~1991
532984191065968399 ~1991
53298643127916743310 ~1994
532986831065973679 ~1991
532988631065977279 ~1991
533005314264042499 ~1993
53302363181228034310 ~1994
53303009127927221710 ~1994
533049831066099679 ~1991
533075991066151999 ~1991
533097591066195199 ~1991
533102337463432639 ~1993
533153511066307039 ~1991
533155791066311599 ~1991
533157613198945679 ~1992
533167791066335599 ~1991
53317487138625466310 ~1994
533179191066358399 ~1991
533184591066369199 ~1991
533189391066378799 ~1991
4.012.381 digits