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Small Mersenne Prime Factors
Prime numbers of the form Mp= 2p − 1 are called Mersenne primes. For Mp to be prime, p must also be prime.
Any factor q of a Mersenne number 2p − 1 must be of the form 2kp + 1, where integer k ≥ 0. Furthermore, q must be 1 or 7 mod 8.
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
414493132486958799 ~1992
41449571828991438 ~1990
41450231829004638 ~1990
41450939829018798 ~1990
41451983829039678 ~1990
41452583373073247110 ~1995
41452871829057438 ~1990
41454923829098478 ~1990
41455451829109038 ~1990
414558012487348079 ~1992
41456903829138078 ~1990
41457239829144798 ~1990
41457599829151998 ~1990
41459219829184398 ~1990
41460323829206478 ~1990
41460599829211998 ~1990
414611834146118319 ~1992
41462411829248238 ~1990
41464151829283038 ~1990
41464259829285198 ~1990
41465051829301038 ~1990
414653812487922879 ~1992
41466371829327438 ~1990
414676313317410499 ~1992
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
41468099829361998 ~1990
41468783829375678 ~1990
41468951829379038 ~1990
414698114146981119 ~1992
414708434147084319 ~1992
41472143829442878 ~1990
414727013317816099 ~1992
41473583829471678 ~1990
41476079829521598 ~1990
414763132488578799 ~1992
41477459829549198 ~1990
41477939829558798 ~1990
414785532488713199 ~1992
414789173318313379 ~1992
41479103829582078 ~1990
41479211829584238 ~1990
41483171829663438 ~1990
41483219829664398 ~1990
41484491829689838 ~1990
41484563829691278 ~1990
41484983829699678 ~1990
41485403829708078 ~1990
414858612489151679 ~1992
41485943829718878 ~1990
41486531829730638 ~1990
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
414867172489203039 ~1992
41487983829759678 ~1990
414880373319042979 ~1992
41488259829765198 ~1990
41490083829801678 ~1990
41491223829824478 ~1990
41492831829856638 ~1990
41493911829878238 ~1990
414939532489637199 ~1992
414943572489661439 ~1992
414955932489735599 ~1992
41496023829920478 ~1990
41496457497957484110 ~1995
41496599829931998 ~1990
41497223829944478 ~1990
41498531829970638 ~1990
41498651829973038 ~1990
41499071829981438 ~1990
41499791829995838 ~1990
41500673132802153710 ~1993
41500691830013838 ~1990
41501903830038078 ~1990
41502443174310260710 ~1994
41502919174312259910 ~1994
Exponent Prime Factor Digits Year
41507783830155678 ~1990
415092012490552079 ~1992
41509739830194798 ~1990
41509939166039756110 ~1994
41510159830203198 ~1990
41510219830204398 ~1990
41510291830205838 ~1990
415116773320934179 ~1992
415118716641899379 ~1993
415123816641980979 ~1993
41513399830267998 ~1990
415135612490813679 ~1992
41513579830271598 ~1990
415136573321092579 ~1992
41514191830283838 ~1990
41516459830329198 ~1990
41516831830336638 ~1990
41516903830338078 ~1990
41517083830341678 ~1990
41517263830345278 ~1990
41519099830381998 ~1990
41519963830399278 ~1990
415202993321623939 ~1992
415203372491220239 ~1992
4.368.158 digits